Healing our Highways Report

In January 2024, Smart Growth America (SGA) launched the Healing Our Highways program with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Kresge Foundation. Aimed at generating creative ideas and activities that build knowledge, connections, and power within communities most harmed by transportation systems and vulnerable to climate change, the program provided funding … Continued

Arts and Culture Technical assistance

Express your interest in the Culture and Community Network

About the Culture and Community Network The Culture and Community Network is a technical assistance and peer learning program designed to help staff at MPOs, RTPOs, and state DOTs assess, design, and begin implementation of arts and culture strategies for community engagement within their agencies. Selected participants from across the country will form a cohort … Continued

Arts and Culture Technical assistance

Healing Our Highways Convening: Atlanta, GA

Healing Our Highways is a grant program led by Smart Growth America’s Arts and Culture team providing funding and technical assistance for arts and culture projects that confront the harms perpetuated through our transportation system on marginalized communities of color. On May 15, 2024, a cozy Filipino restaurant in a suburban Atlanta Asian shopping plaza was filled with energy, connection, and delicious food as the Healing Our Highways cohort of artists and cultural workers deliberated on strategies for community organizing, building power, and making change.

Advancing Racial Equity Arts and Culture Climate Change Technical assistance Transportation

Meet the Healing Our Highways grant recipients

Smart Growth America is excited to announce the recipients of the Healing Our Highways grant program. With support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Kresge Foundation, Healing Our Highways will support creative ideas and activities that build knowledge, connection, and power within disadvantaged communities harmed by transportation systems and climate change. Beginning … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Creative Placemaking Technical assistance Transportation

Healing Our Highways Grant Application FAQ

What is the Healing Our Highways grant program? Smart Growth America, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Kresge Foundation, is launching our new grant program: Healing Our Highways. This initiative aims to generate creative ideas and activities that build knowledge, connections, and power within disadvantaged communities most harmed by transportation … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Arts and Culture Climate Change Technical assistance Transportation

Call for ideas: Healing our Highways through creativity, community, and culture (applications open)

Smart Growth America, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Kresge Foundation, is requesting applications for our new grant program, Healing Our Highways. This initiative aims to generate creative ideas and activities that build knowledge, connections, and power within disadvantaged communities most harmed by transportation systems and climate change. The program … Continued

Arts and Culture Climate Change Technical assistance Transportation