Welcome to HUD, Secretary Carson

Today, Dr. Ben Carson was confirmed as Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, putting him at the helm of the federal agency that oversees home mortgage lending practices and other housing-related programs.

To Secretary Carson we say congratulations. America’s housing and community development policies have a huge impact on the day-to-day lives of millions of Americans, and in your new position you have a unique and valuable opportunity to improve this country.

Smart Growth America and LOCUS are looking forward to working with Secretary Carson. He is an unconventional choice for this position, but can bring fresh eyes and renewed energy to the department. Under Secretary Carson HUD has the potential to revitalize distressed neighborhoods and address America’s housing affordability crisis. We believe the private sector can and should play a significant role in that work, and welcome a chance to collaborate.


Introducing “Empty Spaces,” new research about parking at five TODs

The land near transit stations is a valuable commodity. Hundreds or thousands of people travel to and through these places each day, and decisions about what to do with this land have implications for local economies, transit ridership, residents’ access to opportunity, and overall quality of life for everyone in a community.

Many communities choose to dedicate at least some of that land for parking. The question is, how much? Standard engineering guidelines are designed for mostly isolated suburban land uses—not walkable, urban places served by transit. But few alternative guidelines for engineers exist.

Empty Spaces: Real parking needs at five TODs, released today, set out to determine how much less parking is required at transit-oriented developments (TODs) and how many fewer vehicle trips are generated than standard industry estimates.

LOCUS Transportation

Join LOCUS for everything you ever wanted to know about LIHTC in Michigan

Are you thinking about using Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) in Michigan, and want to learn more about how to create a great application?

Join LOCUS, the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan, and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority on Thursday, February 9, 2017 for a day-long discussion about how to create a great LIHTC application under the Qualified Allocation Plan.


Smart Growth America welcomes Monica Parikh as new Deputy Director of LOCUS

Smart Growth America is pleased to announce today the hiring of Monica Parikh as the Deputy Director of LOCUS: Responsible Real Estate Developers and Investors, a program of Smart Growth America.

Formerly a principal and consultant for real estate advisors to institutional investors, Parikh served has created investment strategies, negotiated advisory agreements, designed risk management standards, supervised securities registration and compliance, and led industry benchmarking, accounting and valuation, performance measurement and reporting initiatives. Parikh was also the executive director of an innovative global health non-profit in telemedicine, securing global health grants, presenting at prestigious global health technology conferences, and implementing administrative protocols in rural health clinics in Uganda.

As Deputy Director of LOCUS, Parikh will be working to expand the program’s network of real estate developers, investors, and advocates. She will also serve as a national policy strategist, and will help bring together leaders in the responsible real estate industry.


Watch the recorded webinar on Allentown, PA development opportunities

  Thank you to everyone who joined this week’s LOCUS Webinar, Building the Next Walkable Places in Allentown, on Monday, November 14, 2016. During Monday’s webinar, Allentown leaders discussed the city’s incredible development potential, amazing transformation, and answered participant’s questions about the city’s development opportunities. Whether you missed this week’s presentation or want to watch … Continued