Enhanced LOCUS member resources now available

Ready to experience LOCUS like never before? Explore our new, members-only portal. In case you missed it, LOCUS recently launched our new and improved website, featuring enhanced member resources, a revamped design, and overhauled members-only portal. With our upgraded resources, members gain access to more exclusive content that they can browse through faster and more efficiently … Continued


White House urges policy changes to create more affordable housing

The White House made a bold statement earlier this week, taking on the outdated zoning codes and laws, housing and parking regulations, and tax structures that all play a part in discouraging cities — and developers — from building more affordable housing and meeting the demand for more walkable, connected neighborhoods. Because of the way … Continued


Where is walkable development headed in Washington DC?

“The future growth of walkable urban places could provide the same economic base in the 21st century that drivable sub-urbanism did in the mid-to-late 20th century.” That was the eye-catching assertion made by Christopher Leinberger during an event last week focused on meeting the booming demand for walkable urban development. Leinberger spoke at the fourth … Continued


A map of LOCUS around the country

As a national coalition of leading real estate developers and investors, LOCUS represents smart growth professionals from major metropolitan areas from around the nation. Use this interactive map to learn more about LOCUS’ strong national presence: LOCUS is represented in several major cities, including: Washington, DC Philadelphia, PA New York City, NY Boston, MA Chicago, IL Detroit, MI New … Continued


Meet some of the members of the 2016-2017 LOCUS Steering Committee

As LOCUS begins its 2016-2017 membership year, we would like to introduce you to some of the members of this year’s steering committee. Our National Steering Committee is comprised of some of the country’s leading real estate developers and investors who help to guide the organization and provide assistance on major policy issues. LOCUS is proud … Continued


LOCUS Director Christopher Coes talks walkable development at Democratic National Convention

Last month, LOCUS Director Christopher Coes joined The Hill for a policy discussion on Real Estate & the U.S. Economy at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA. Coes joined a panel of real estate thought leaders from across the nation to discuss public policy changes that can incentivize development that generates opportunities and wealth in  low-income neighborhoods. Here are … Continued


Join Smart Growth America and ULI-Washington for DC’s 2016 WalkUP Wake Up Call

Earlier this summer we released Foot Traffic Ahead: 2016, a scan of walkable development trends in the thirty largest U.S. metropolitan areas. The report found that across the country, walkable urban places are driving the real estate industry—and Washington, DC is leading the way. This fall, get an even closer look at DC’s walkable development. Join Smart Growth … Continued


LOCUS Director Christopher Coes talks walkable development at Democratic National Convention

Last month, LOCUS Director Christopher Coes joined The Hill for a policy discussion on Real Estate & the U.S. Economy at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA. Coes joined a panel of real estate thought leaders from across the nation to discuss public policy changes that can incentivize development that generates opportunities and wealth in  low-income neighborhoods. Here are … Continued

LOCUS Uncategorized

USDOT wants to make it easier to find funding for innovative transportation projects

build-america-bureauTransportation Secretary Anthony Foxx at the launch of the Build America Bureau last month. Photo via USDOT.

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) offers a number of different grant and loan programs for innovative transportation projects. But navigating the application process for these programs—or even knowing exactly what types of projects are eligible under each one—can be complicated.

To help cities and state navigate and better utilize all these programs, last month USDOT launched the the Build America Bureau, a one-stop shop for information about how to apply for federal transportation grants and loans. As Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx explained at the launch, the Bureau will “streamline credit opportunities and grants more quickly and transparently, while providing technical assistance and encouraging innovative best practices in project planning, financing, delivery, and monitoring.”