Are Complete Streets there yet? We’re just getting started

How do you measure the success of Complete Streets? Despite two decades of progress and the adoption of over 1,700 Complete Streets policies, the stark reality remains—countless local governments lack Complete Streets policies, unsafe roadways persist, and resistance to changing the status quo prevails. The movement’s goals are an uphill battle, but we’re prepared to dig in and continue fighting for the transformative shift to transportation planning that we’re seeking.

Complete Streets

Vision is a verb: Looking back at our first Complete Streets Power Hour

Our new webinar series brings together advocates and implementers to discuss how to advance Complete Streets in their communities. At our first Power Hour, we spoke with two implementers and one advocate from Minnesota about how they’ve gone about establishing a north star for Complete Streets in the North Star State. As it turns out, it’s all about the process.

Complete Streets Events

Brighter streets, safer streets: Improving pedestrian safety after dark

Pedestrian deaths are on the rise, with 76 percent of fatalities occurring at night. We know that the dangerous design of our roadways emphasizes speed over safety. Reduced visibility at night also drastically increases risk. Improved lighting can help keep pedestrians safe, but if we want long-term solutions, we need to reevaluate the priorities deeply embedded in our transportation infrastructure.

Complete Streets Transportation

NEW VIDEO: Creating Thriving Communities Through Complete Streets: Wenatchee’s Story

Made in collaboration with the Washington State Department of Health, our new video tells the story of Wenatchee, Washington—a community that came together to make their streets safer. Watch to hear from community members about how a temporary installation has made a permanent change to their approach to safety and accessibility.


Ready for Action: National Pedestrian Safety Month

October marks National Pedestrian Safety Month, where the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, invites stakeholders to help “create a transportation system for all people to easily and safely walk.” But why do we need a whole month on pedestrian safety? It’s because U.S. roads continue to be … Continued

Complete Streets