Smart growth: Try that in a small town

One major misconception we encounter in our work is that smart growth principles like Complete Streets, public transit, and mixed-use development are just for big cities and don’t apply to small towns. But over the years, we’ve seen countless examples of rural places that used these strategies to great benefit. I recently traveled to such a place–Brattleboro, Vermont.

Land Use and Development Rural Development Transportation

In the Wake of Operational Uncertainty, Nuclear Host Communities are Planning for a Resilient Future

  At the 2022 Nuclear Communities Economic Resilience Conference, host communities from nine nuclear plants in the Midwest-the region that hosts more than half of the nation’s nuclear fleet-gathered to share experiences, best practices, and plan for the future. The Nuclear Communities Team– a technical assistance group led by Smart Growth America in collaboration with … Continued

Economic development Technical assistance

Millinocket, ME: Recovering from the loss of an industrial giant

Millinocket, Maine epitomizes the plight of many rural communities across the country that struggle as legacy industries or major employers that once helped sustain a place slow down or close altogether. Millinocket has found new hope in part by pairing improved broadband internet access with a new focus on downtown revitalization, giving the community the chance to take hold of their future and “actually build something” new.

Economic development Rural Development Technical assistance