Express your interest in the Culture and Community Network TA program

About the Culture and Community Network The Culture and Community Network is a technical assistance and peer learning program designed to help staff at MPOs, RTPOs, and state DOTs assess, design, and begin implementation of arts and culture strategies for community engagement within their agencies. Selected participants from across the country will form a cohort … Continued

Arts and Culture Technical assistance

Culture and Community Network FAQ

What is the Culture and Community Network? The Culture and Community Network is a technical assistance and peer learning program designed to help staff at MPOs, RTPOs, and state DOTs assess, design, and begin implementation of arts and culture strategies for community engagement within their agencies. Participants will learn from national experts and each other … Continued

Arts and Culture Technical assistance

Completing Rural Highways: Managing and maintaining assets

Whenever an agency plans to develop new community assets—whether it is a road, utility, or sidewalk—they must have systems such as funding and coordination for regular maintenance in place to preserve them in the long term. Having those systems in place and a concrete plan to coordinate with local agencies can preemptively address unique challenges related to Complete Streets projects.

Complete Streets Transportation

Completing Rural Highways: Funding Complete Streets

Even with a strong commitment to Complete Streets principles, many state agencies and their local partners lack dedicated and consistent funding streams to add the necessary elements to existing road projects. Rural infrastructure can be particularly difficult to fund, costing more per capita, so adding new elements is often seen by state and local agencies as a burden. Smart Growth America and the State Smart Transportation Initiative worked with practitioners to illustrate how their peers have found ways to overcome these obstacles.

Complete Streets Transportation

Completing Rural Highways: Making the case

Gaining widespread support for Complete Streets projects can be a challenge. Agencies sometimes face resistance from within or they face opposition from local businesses and community members. Smart Growth America and the State Smart Transportation Initiative worked with practitioners to identify obstacles to making the case for Complete Streets and illustrate how their peers have found ways to overcome them.

Complete Streets Transportation

Four states selected for the 2022 Complete Streets Leadership Academies

The National Complete Streets Coalition is pleased to announce the selection of California, Connecticut, and Tennessee for Complete Streets Leadership Academies. In these Academies, three local jurisdictions in each state will learn about Complete Streets, explore new ways to coordinate with their state DOTs, and then plan and implement “quick-build” temporary demonstration projects on state-owned roads.

Complete Streets DOT Innovation Technical assistance Transportation

Seeking state DOTs and local communities for Complete Streets Leadership Academies 

Applications are now open for up to three state Complete Streets Leadership Academies. These free technical assistance programs are designed to help state DOTs and local communities work together to put Complete Streets into practice…

Complete Streets DOT Innovation Transportation

State safety targets show need for Congress to further prioritize safety

Cyclists queue at a stop sign.

For decades, state departments of transportation have treated pedestrian and cyclists fatalities like weather events: something that increases simply as people drive more, putting these deaths outside of the control of DOTs. But with COVID-19 proving this to be false, it’s past time for state DOTs to implement performance measures to reduce the number of people killed while walking or biking. Here’s our comparison of state safety targets.

Complete Streets