Mobility Management & Coordination Strategies for Marquette, MI

The Michigan Sense of Place Council, representing numerous state agencies under the direction of Governor Rick Snyder, engaged in a partnership with Smart Growth America to provide technical advisory services to six communities of Michigan pursuing livable communities initiatives. The six communities were the City of Marquette, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), ReImagine … Continued

DOT Innovation Technical assistance

Ann Arbor, MI’s Washtenaw Avenue Transportation Demand Management Strategy

In 2013, the Michigan Sense of Place Council, representing numerous state agencies under the direction of Governor Snyder, engaged in a partnership with Smart Growth America to provide technical advisory services to six communities of Michigan pursuing livable communities initiatives. The six communities were the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), ReImagine Washtenaw (Washtenaw County), … Continued

DOT Innovation Technical assistance

Grand Rapids, MI Transportation Demand Management Strategy

In 2013, the Michigan Sense of Place Council, representing numerous state agencies under the direction of Governor Snyder, engaged in a partnership with Smart Growth America to provide technical advisory services to six communities of Michigan pursuing livable communities initiatives. The six communities were the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), ReImagine Washtenaw (Washtenaw County), … Continued

DOT Innovation Technical assistance

Leading Livability: Pilot Transportation Demand Management and Mobility Management Programs of Five Michigan Communities

Michigan, like states across the nation, struggles with shrinking transportation budgets and ever expanding transportation needs. Both infrastructure and populations are aging requiring more services and investment. Although auto travel continues to dominate in many areas of the state, more and more communities are looking to broaden transportation options to both meet local community needs … Continued

Technical assistance

Leveraging State Agency Involvement in Transit-Oriented Development to Strengthen Hawaii’s Economy

This report recommends ways that Hawaii state agencies can leverage transit-oriented development (TOD) to maximize benefits to the State of Hawaii and, by extension, the people of Hawaii. The recommendations were developed through a series of meetings of the Project Stakeholder Group, which consisted of representatives from over 40 organizations, including government, private sector, and nonprofit organizations.

DOT Innovation Technical assistance

Longwood, FL works to support long-term growth with a workshop from Smart Growth America

Downtown Longwood, FL is already home to a SunRail station and new development. How can the city make the most of future growth? Photo via.

Downtown Longwood, FL is already home to a SunRail station, and new residential and retail development projects are in the works. Now the city is thinking strategically about how to make the most of all this growth, and they asked Smart Growth America for help.

Technical assistance

Why Huntsville, AL wants to build more Complete Streets

If your city could be more convenient, more attractive, and get more out of its past investments, wouldn’t you want it to? That’s what Huntsville, AL was thinking about when they first became interested in a Complete Streets approach to street design.

Complete Streets Technical assistance

How Massachusetts is encouraging communities to take action on Complete Streets

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is taking action to encourage more Complete Streets projects across the state through its Complete Streets Funding Program. Last week, we hosted a webinar highlighting the program.

Complete Streets

Jersey City, Birmingham, and Raleigh win new workshops for revitalization without displacement

Birmingham, AL’s Woodlawn neighborhood will be the focus of Smart Growth America’s new partnership with that city. Photo via.

Communities large and small are looking for ways to create prosperity that everyone can participate in. Smart Growth America’s new Planning for Successful and Equitable Revitalization program is designed to help.

In partnership with PNC, this new addition to our technical assistance offerings will help communities revitalize successfully and capture benefits from the revitalization process for families of all income levels.

Technical assistance