Eliminating the gas tax?

The situation: Bridges are falling down, traffic congestion is worsening, gains in fuel efficiency are reducing gas tax revenues, worthwhile transit projects are sitting on the shelf, and the Highway Trust Fund — funded by the 18.5 cents a gallon gas tax that is already inadequate for funding transportation investments — is about to run … Continued


NYC's farsighted congestion pricing plan dead

As you may have read this morning in numerous other outlets, New York City’s plan to implement congestion pricing in Manhattan was defeated last night without reaching a vote on the floor. [NYT] The plan would have charged most cars $8 and trucks $21 to enter traffic-choked Midtown and Lower Manhattan during busy hours on … Continued


Help Dan save traffic.

Dan loves traffic. “It’s about the journey, and this way, the journey takes forever,” he says. “In 2009, Congress will decide whether to continue to spend billions on highways and roads to generate more traffic. Or whether they’re going more money on trains and buses — that suck the lifebblood right out of traffic. Help … Continued


National Commission Report Shows Federal Transportation Program is Broke — and Broken

Joint statement by the Smart Growth America, Reconnecting America and the Surface Transportation Policy Partnership to the report of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission. For Immediate Release: Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008 Contact: David Goldberg, 202-412-7930 WASHINGTON, DC – The National Surface Transportation Study Commission has provided an invaluable service in marshalling … Continued
