Policy #6: Road design leads to real Complete Streets

A Complete Streets policy cannot be implemented without an understanding of how to improve the physical environment. Jurisdictions should prioritize appropriate design guidance into their policy and implementation plans. The way roads are designed can influence traffic speed, safety, comfort, and many other factors that affect all people who use the street. We’ve updated this policy element to require jurisdictions to adopt or design guidelines in addition to adopting a policy.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets Steering Committee spotlight: VHB

Mike Jelen (far right) helping the Coalition deliver a Complete Streets technical assistance workshop in Lowell, MA.

The National Complete Streets Coalition is just that—a coalition—and our success is made possible by our many partner organizations. VHB is one of the newest members of our Steering Committee and we’re proud to welcome them. We sat down with Mike Jelen, VHB’s Vice President & Managing Director, to learn more about their work and what drives their commitment to Complete Streets.

Complete Streets