Using zoning as a tool to advance equity in local planning

On January 21, The Center for Zoning Solutions kicked off its new webinar series with a webinar on “Advancing Equity in Planning.” Participants had the opportunity to hear from the City of Kingston on its use of a form-based code to advance the city’s housing goals. Additionally, Elevated Chicago shared their plans for an equitable … Continued

Land Use and Development Zoning

The Form-Based Codes Institute is in the zone

Tomorrow continues a month full of zoning-related webinars and releases for the Form-Based Codes Institute with the announcement of the winner of the fifteenth annual Driehaus Form-Based Code Award. An upcoming webinar on October 18th featuring experts from across development and economic research to discuss the Form-Based Institute’s first-of-its-kind report Zoned In: Economic Benefits & Shared Prosperity with Form-Based Codes follows, with the opening class of FBCI’s most popular introductory course, FBC 101: The ABCs of Form-Based Codes making its virtual debut the first week of November. Read on for more.

Form-Based Codes

Webinar recap: Complete Streets responses to COVID-19

This April, we hosted the latest installment of our monthly webinar series Complete Streets 301: Putting people first. We heard from leaders working across the globe to support community responses to COVID-19 through Complete Streets and other transportation initiatives. A recording of the webinar with closed captioning is now available.

Complete Streets

Recap Webinar, Policy to Practice: What does prioritizing pedestrians actually look like?

In our latest installment of our monthly webinar series Complete Streets 301: Putting people first, we heard how Minneapolis has worked to prioritize pedestrians and advance multimodal transportation through advocacy, policy, and safer street design. A recording of the webinar is now available. You can also download a PDF of the presentation or read the brief recap below.

Complete Streets Uncategorized

Webinar recap: Protecting user data and expanding mobility for all communities

Every day, millions of people use app-based transportation systems to get where they’re going. In addition to transporting people safely to their destinations, the companies behind the apps are also responsible for safely handling travelers’ personal and financial data. We recently partnered with Lyft to learn how operators in this space are addressing these twin safety concerns.

Complete Streets

Webinar recap: Parking reform for 21st century communities

“Parking reform for 21st century communities: getting more out of public space,” was a joint webinar between the Form-Based Codes Institute and the State Smart Transportation Initiative. Speakers discussed the steps taken to rethink parking policies and prioritize people in public spaces in Hartford, CT and Atlanta, GA. A recording and recap of the webinar is now available.

Complete Streets Economic development Transportation

Webinar Recap: The State of Transportation and Health Equity

Smart Growth America recently released The State of Transportation and Health Equity, a field scan looking at the intersection of transportation and health equity in the U.S. today. Last month, Emiko Atherton walked through the high-level findings on a webinar. A recording of the webinar with closed captioning is now available. You can also download a PDF of the presentation or read the brief recap below.


Webinar Recap, Complete Streets for healthy living

This December, we continued our webinar series, Complete Streets 301: Putting people first, with a “Complete Streets for Healthy Living.” We welcomed Trust for America’s Health to talk about their new report, State of Obesity 2019, and how active transportation policy at the federal and state levels can improve the health of all Americans. A recording of the webinar with closed captioning is now available. You can also download a PDF of the presentation or read the brief recap below.

Complete Streets