Webinar: How street design contributes to the pedestrian safety crisis

On Thursday, June 6 from 1-2:30 p.m., we’re hosting a webinar to dive into our upcoming report, Dangerous by Design 2024, which will be released May 30th. Register here.

7,522 people were struck and killed while walking in 2022. This crisis isn’t new—pedestrian fatalities are on a consistent upward trajectory and have increased by 75 percent since 2010. Our nation’s streets are dangerous by design, designed primarily to move cars quickly at the expense of keeping everyone safe.

Join us for a webinar where we’ll dive into the national trends of the epidemic of pedestrian deaths, look at which metro areas are the most dangerous for pedestrians, and offer interventions, such as quick-builds, that can help stem the tide of pedestrian fatalities.

Register for the webinar!


Steve Davis, Assistant Vice President of Transportation Strategies, Smart Growth America
Steve has been with Smart Growth America since July 2006, joining as a communications fellow before moving to serve within the Transportation for America program from its inception until 2017 and then serving as SGA’s Director of Communications from 2017-2021. Trained at the University of Georgia’s Grady School of Journalism & Mass Communication, he was an award-winning photojournalist before following his passion for great places to Smart Growth America. Within SGA’s Transportation and Thriving Communities team, Steve focuses on strategic communications and long-term initiatives, including T4America, the National Complete Streets Coalition, and SGA’s other transportation programs.

Patty Avery, Advocate with Families for Safe Streets
Patty’s daughter was killed in Chattanooga, Tennessee, only a few weeks after being named teacher of the year. She was turning left when the driver struck her going at excessive speed.

Heidi Simon, Director of Thriving Communities, Smart Growth America
Heidi Simon is the Director of Thriving Communities at Smart Growth America. Prior to joining SGA, Heidi served as a Senior Program Manager of Mobility Safety Strategy at the National Safety Council (NSC), where she managed the Road to Zero Coalition—composed of more than 1,500 stakeholders committed to reducing traffic fatalities to zero by 2050. She also developed new opportunities in communications, programming, and strategy for NSC’s Roadway Practice, focused on emerging issues within the field. Heidi began this work with the pedestrian advocacy organization, America Walks, and has focused her career on addressing mobility independence through the creation of safe, active, and accessible places to move and travel.

Participants of this live webinar are eligible for 1.5 AICP CM credits.

Complete Streets Transportation