What do you LOVE about your Neighborhood?

It’s that time of year – time to show some LOVE!

So tell us, what do you LOVE about your neighborhood?

1000 Friends of Wisconsin has been working for over 15 years to promote Great Neighborhoods.  Please share with us what you love about your neighborhood and what makes it a Great Neighborhood!

Be creative! Send a photo, write a poem, sing a song, make a video, or tell a story. Let us know what your neighborhood means to you!

Add your comments to our Facebook page or send us an email at [email protected] with Neighborhood in its subject line.

The top 5 entries will be featured on our web page! Show us the LOVE!

1000 Friends’ vision of a Great Neighborhood is one that:

1.  Promotes healthy lifestyles
2.  Offers people transportation choices
3.  Values parks and natural areas
4.  Where neighbors know their neighbors

We think a Great Neighborhood should be more than just a block of homes; we see it as a place to gather, shop, learn and make friends.  Maybe even a place to work and enjoy the great outdoors.

What do you think?

Please submit by February 10th to be featured on our web page.
