Form-based codes

What is a Form-based Code?

Form-based codes (FBC) are a land development regulation that fosters predictable built results and a walkable public realm by using physical form—rather than separation of uses—as the primary basis and focus for the code and standards. Communities can apply form-based codes in different contexts and scales. Form-based codes are legally-binding regulations, not optional guides, and offer municipalities an alternative to conventional zoning for shaping development. FBC primarily differs from Traditional Zoning in how uses and the form of the built environment are considered; traditional zoning is defined by the separation of uses which has led to auto-dependant development patterns, whereas FBC focuses on the form and shape of the built environment and focuses on creating mixed-use, people-oriented development patterns.

The Form-Based Codes Institute

Smart Growth America’s work to advance zoning reform using form-based codes was previously led by the Form-Based Codes Institute.

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FBC Standards of Practice

There have been many codes adopted that include some elements of Form-Based Codes, but, to be truly considered a Form-based Code, the following elements must all be included in the code (while this is a lengthy list, a true FBC has all of these elements):

  1. A DETAILED PHYSICAL PLAN AND CLEAR VISION, which has been developed and adopted through an inclusive community engagement process.
  2. A STATEMENT OF INTENT AND PURPOSE, which ties the code to the vision or plan and sets parameters for development of and a framework for waivers and exceptions.
  3. BUILDING FORM STANDARDS with specific requirements for building placement and building frontages that will shape public spaces.
  4. A REGULATING PLAN that establishes a specific set of standards for each zone shown on a regulating plan.
  5. CLEAR AND OBJECTIVE STANDARDS with limited or no discretionary review.
  6. PEDESTRIAN SCALE THOROUGHFARE STANDARDS that promote and/or conserve an interconnected street network and pedestrian-scaled blocks.
  7. PREDICTABLE PHYSICAL OUTCOMES, which are determined by standards and parameters for physical form–build-to lines, frontage type requirements, and open space features–rather than standards with highly unpredictable physical outcomes–floor area ratio and density­­–which result in a high-quality urban form and public realm, while still allowing for variety in the size and shape of urban spaces and the design of buildings.
  8. COMMON-USE LANGUAGE, GRAPHICS, AND DIAGRAMS, which are unambiguous, clearly labeled, and accurate in their presentation of spatial configurations and relationships.
  9. DIVERSITY OF USES AND HOUSING TYPES incorporating standards that encourage this diversity

What is an exemplary form-based code?

Form-based codes offer a significant advantage over auto-oriented, use-based zoning by focusing on the quality of the space between the buildings; the scale, placement, and facades of the buildings; the public and private open spaces; and the streetscapes. If well written and implemented, form-based codes promote human-scaled places that encourage improved walkability, inclusivity, affordability, and livability for all. In reviewing codes submitted for the award, the jury considers the following criteria:

  • Will the code promote good urbanism (has it resulted in high-quality development activity)?
  • Will the code deliver a predictable street character (public and private open space)?
  • Is the code implementable and relatively easy to use?
  • Does the code have relevant and distinguishing features that advance the practice?

If you know of a code that meets these criteria, consider submitting an entry form to nominate your code to be recognized by CZS as an exemplary form-based code

Learn more about our Form-based codes classes