Funding Opportunities Database
Search this list of both government and non-government grants to fund a variety of smart growth initiatives in your community.
Advanced Biofuel Payment Program
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
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Other information: Funds the production and expansion of advanced biofuels from sources other than corn kernel starch.
Advisory Services Program
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design, Project financing, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
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Other information: Fee based workshops on transportation and land use, redevelopment, revitalization, infill, urban design, real estate finance, disaster assistance, economic development, and public leadership.
Affordable Green Neighborhoods Grant Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: Less than $50,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
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Other information: Funds affordable housing projects that pursue LEED 2009 for Neighborhood Development certification. Amount includes $25,000 cash award towards LEED-ND certification and an educational package.
Affordable Housing Program: Competitive Application Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Non-Profit or For-Profit Organization
Sponsor: Federal Home Loan (FHL) Bank , US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: Affordable Housing Program funds in the Competitive Application Program may be used for the: purchase, construction, or rehabilitation of rental housing in which at least 20 percent of the units are occupied by and affordable to very low income households; and, purchase, construction, or rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing by and for very low, and moderate income households. There are one or more funding rounds each year in which members of FHL Banks submit applications on behalf of sponsors and developers of affordable housing projects. The applications are scored out of 100 points and funding is awarded to the highest scoring projects until all funds have been used. For more on application eligibility and scoring: AHPCompetitiveApplicationProgram.htm
Assessment Grant Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
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Other information: Funds brownfields inventories, planning, environmental assessments, and community outreach. $200,000 to address sites contaminatedby hazardous substances. $200,000 to address sites contaminated by petroleum. Applicants can also apply as an Assessment Coalition (a group of three or more eligible entities) for up to $1 million.
Assisted Living Conversion Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Non-Profit Organization
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: Assisted Living Conversion Program for Eligible Multifamily Projects has up to $15 million in grant funds. The purpose of this program is to provide grants for the conversion of some or all of the dwelling units in an eligible project into assisted living facilities (ALFs) or service enriched housing (SEH) for elderly persons, frail elderly persons and people with disabilities. The Application deadline is November 18, 2013.
Border Community Capital Initiative (BCCI)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Tribal Government or Non-Profit Organization
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: The BCCI is a collaborative effort to increase access to capital for affordable housing, business lending, and community facilities in the chronically underserved and undercapitalized border regions. HUD announced the availability of up to $2 million to support lending and investing activity in affordable housing, business development, and community facilities to benefit residents of neighborhoods along the U.S./Mexico border.
Brownfield Economic Development Initiative (BEDI)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
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Other information: BEDI is a competitive grant program designed to assist cities with the redevelopment of abandoned and underused industrial and commercial facilities, where expansion and redevelopment is burdened by real or potential environmental contamination. BEDI provide competitive economic development grants to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) recipients, in connection with notes or other obligations guaranteed under Section 108 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, for the purposes of enhancing either the security of the guaranteed loans or the viability of the projects financed with these Section 108 loans. Grants provide financial assistance for industrial or commercial sites known as brownfields, on which redevelopment is hindered by the presence or potential presence of environmental contamination. BEDI funds may be used for virtually all activities eligible under the CDBG program.
Brownfields and Lands Revitalization Grant
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Brownfields and Lands Revitalization Grant provides funding for planning and assessing brownfield redevelopment and site cleanup. EPA’s Brownfields Program provides direct funding for brownfields assessment, cleanup, revolving loans, and environmental job training. To facilitate the leveraging of public resources, EPA’s Brownfields Program collaborates with other EPA programs, other federal partners, and state agencies to identify and make available resources that can be used for brownfields activities. This website provides a holistic list of all grants and funding opportunities the EPA provides for brownfields.
Brownfields Area-Wide Planning (BF AWP) Grant RFP
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
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Other information: EPA is announcing the availability of funding to eligible entities who wish to develop an area-wide plan for brownfields assessment, cleanup, and subsequent reuse. This funding is for research and/or technical assistance activities directed to one or more brownfield site(s) located in a specific area (such as a neighborhood, downtown or business district, local commercial corridor, community waterfront or city blocks). Each project funded under this grant must result in an area-wide plan which includes specific plan implementation strategies for assessing, cleaning up, and reusing the brownfields site(s) as well as related brownfields and project area revitalization strategies. Applications are due on August 10, 2016.
Bus and Bus Facilities Discretionary Grant Program (5309)
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
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Other information: Funds new and replacement buses, equipment, facilities, as well as intermodal transit centers in rural cities and cities over 200,000 Funds remain available for obligation for three fiscal years. This includes the fiscal year in which the amount is made available or appropriated plus two additional years Call (202) 366-2053 for amount and deadline.
Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Non-Profit Organization
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: This program has over $33 million dollars in funding to carry out planning, acquisition, construction and other eligible activities related to affordable housing and community development. It enhances the capacity and ability of community development corporations (CDCs) and community housing development organizations (CHDOs) to carry out activities to benefit low-income families.
Capital Fund Education & Training Community Facility Grant
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: The Capital Fund Education and Training Community Facilities (CFCF) Program NOFA provides capital funding to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) for the construction, rehabilitation, or purchase of facilities to provide early childhood education, adult education, and job training programs for public housing residents. PHAs may also use CFCF programs to rehabilitate existing community facilities that will offer comprehensive, integrated services. These facilities will offer services to help public housing residents achieve better educational and economic outcomes resulting in long-term economic self-sufficient. The total available is $15 million, and the maximum request per application is $5 million.
Certified Development Corporation/504 Fixed Asset Financing Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: US SBA (Small Business Adminsitration), US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: The Certified Development Company (CDC)/504 loan promotes economic development by providing a long-term fixed rate financing tool to small businesses for “bricks and mortar” assistance. In order to qualify for this program you must have a tangible net worth less than $15 million and an average net income less than $5.0 million after taxes for the preceding two years. Loans cannot be made to businesses engaged in speculation or investment in rental real estate. Maximum loan amounts are determined by how funds will be used based on which goal they will support: job creation, public policy or small manufacturing.
Choice Neighborhoods Grants
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Funds the redevelopment of public and assisted projects into viable and sustainable mixed-income neighborhoods.
Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: The Choice Neighborhoods program supports locally driven strategies to address struggling neighborhoods with distressed public or HUD-assisted housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. The program is designed to catalyze critical improvements in neighborhood assets, including vacant property, housing, services and schools.
Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Program provides funding after communities have undergone a comprehensive local planning process to revitalize severely distressed public and/or HUD-assisted multifamily housing in distressed neighborhoods into viable, mixed-income communities with access to well-functioning services, high quality educational programs, public transportation, and jobs. Preferred Sustainability Applicants receive an additional two bonus points. Applications are due on June 28, 2016.
Cleanup Grant Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities:
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Funds clean up of brownfields sites.
Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE)
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Targets the reduction of toxic pollution in local environments. CARE offers two different types of Cooperative Agreements: Level 1 and Level 2. These can be thought of as grants and, respectively, amount to approximately $90,000 and $275,000.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. The activities range from new construction to façade improvements. HUD determines the amount of each grant by using a formula comprised of several measures of community need, including the extent of poverty, population, housing overcrowding, age of housing, and population growth lag in relationship to other metropolitan areas.
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Banks/Financial Insititutions
Sponsor: Treasury/Internal Revenue Service (IRS), US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: The purpose of the CDFI Program is to use federal resources to invest in CDFIs and to build their capacity to serve low-income people and communities that lack access to affordable financial products and services. CDFIs may use the funds to pursue a variety of goals, including: to promote economic development, to develop businesses, to create jobs, and to develop commercial real estate; to develop affordable housing and to promote home ownership; and to provide community development financial services, such as basic banking services, financial literacy programs, and alternatives to predatory lending.
Community Facilities Direct Loan Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
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Other information: Community Facilities Direct Loan Program can make and guarantee loans to develop essential community facilities in rural areas and towns of up to 20,000 in population. Loan funds may be used to construct, enlarge, or improve community facilities for health care, public safety and public services. This can include costs to acquire land needed for a facility, pay necessary professional fees, and purchase equipment required for its operation. Loan repayment terms may not exceed the applicant authority, the useful life of the facility, or a maximum 40 years.
Community Health Projects Related to Contamination at Brownfield/Land Reuse Sites
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control – ATSDR, US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
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Other information: Community health projects that address impacts of contamination at Brownfield/Land Reuse sites further ATSDR’s public health mission to promote healthy and safe environments and prevent harmful exposures. These projects will have a particular emphasis on identifying health issues prior to redevelopment and/or assessing changes in community health associated with reuse plans and redevelopment.
Community Investment Cash Advance (CICA) Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: Federal Home Loan Bank, US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: The CICA program offers funding, often at below-market interest rates and for long terms, for members to use to provide financing for projects that are targeted to certain economic development activities. These activities include commercial, industrial, manufacturing and social service projects, infrastructure, and public facilities and services. The two project areas are in rural areas for beneficiaries with incomes at or below 115% of the area median income, or ones in urban areas for targeted beneficiaries with incomes at or below 100% of the area median income.
Community Planning Assistance Teams
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
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Other information: Economic development strategies, transit-oriented developments, parks and waterfronts, urban design guidelines, affordable housing, sustainability plans, water management issues.
Condominium Mortgage Insurance- Federal Housing Administration
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Non-Profit or For-Profit Organization, Individual
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: Section 203 (b) of the National Housing Act provides authority to insure any mortgage covering a one-family unit in a project coupled with an undivided interest in the common areas and facilities which serve the project. Eligible projects are those that have been declared and exist in full compliance with applicable state law requirements of the jurisdiction in which the condominium project is located, including good standing with the state, and with all other applicable laws and regulations. FHA insures condominium single unit loans for up to 30-year terms to purchase or refinance a unit in an FHA-approved condominium project. The condominium project must be primarily residential, contain at least two dwelling units and can be detached, semi-detached, a row house, a walk-up, mid-rise, high-rise, including those with or without an elevator, or manufactured housing.
Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) Program
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: State government
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
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Other information: CMAQ Program is a formula-based program that provides a flexible funding source for transportation projects and programs that help improve air quality and reduce congestion in areas that do not meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The program includes capital transportation investments and pedestrian/bicycle facilities and programs. MAP- 21 funds the CMAQ program at approximately $2.2 billion per year. A state without nonattainment or maintenance areas may use its CMAQ funding for any projects that are eligible under CMAQ or the Surface Transportation Program (STP).
Daniel Rose Fellowship Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
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Other information: A yearly public and private fellowship awarded to four mayors on local issues related to transportation, land use, redevelopment and infill, public leadership.
Design Assistance Team Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
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Other information: Interdisciplinary professionals offer technical assistance in sustainability, urban design, planning, economic development, environment, transportation and transit, ecology, historic preservation, water.
Economic Development Initiative Grant
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
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Other information: The Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Grant provides local governments with additional security for the Section 108 loan, thereby reducing the exposure of its CDBG funds in the event of a default in loans made locally with the 108 funds, or make the project more feasible by paying some of the project costs with grant funds or by reducing the interest rate to be paid from a revolving loan fund. EDI enables localities to carry out eligible economic development activities where public and private dollars can be leveraged to create jobs and other benefits, especially for low- and moderate-income persons, and reduce the risk of potential future defaults on Section 108 loan guarantee-assisted projects. Eligible activities for which EDI funds may be used are the same as those under the Section 108 Loan Guarantee program.
Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grant Program
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Energy audits. Maximum grant is $100,000.
Energy-Efficient Commercial Building Tax Deduction
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US GSA (General Services Administration), US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: The Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings Tax Deduction is for expenses incurred for qualified energy efficient building investments made by a building owner. In government-owned buildings, the government may allocate this deduction to the person or persons primarily responsible for designing the qualified improvements. The deduction may be taken in the year the energy-efficient improvements are placed in service. The Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings Tax Deduction is a significant financial incentive for designers to meet or exceed an agency’s energy reduction requirements for new and existing buildings.
Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Public outreach/education
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Funds organizations working on environmental justice and/or public health issues in their communities.
Environmental Justice Showcase Communities Project
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Planning and design
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Funds the design and implementation of environmental justice projects. The grant amount is capped at $100,000.
Environmental Justice Small Grants Program
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Public outreach/education
Maximum award: Less than $50,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Funds organizations doing community education, training, and outreach to identify local environmental and public health issues.
Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Public outreach/education
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Funds environmental workforce development and job training programs to recruit, train, and place local residents in full-time employment in the environmental field.
Federal 10% Rehabilitation Tax Credit
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: Treasury/Internal Revenue Service (IRS), US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: The 10% Rehabilitation Tax Credit is available for the rehabilitation of non-historic buildings placed in service before 1936. The building must be rehabilitated for non-residential use. In order to qualify for the tax credit, the rehabilitation must meet three criteria: at least 50% of the existing external walls must remain in place as external walls, at least 75% of the existing external walls must remain in place as either external or internal walls, and at least 75% of the internal structural framework must remain in place.
Federal 20% Historic Tax Credit
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: Treasury/Internal Revenue Service (IRS), US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: A 20% Historic Tax Credit is available for the rehabilitation of historic, income-producing buildings that are determined by the Secretary of the Interior, through the National Park Service, to be “certified historic structures.” The State Historic Preservation Offices and the National Park Service review the rehabilitation work to ensure that it complies with the Secretary’s Standards for Rehabilitation ( The Internal Revenue Service defines qualified rehabilitation expenses on which the credit may be taken. Owner-occupied residential properties do not qualify for the federal rehabilitation tax credit. Each year, Technical Preservation Services approves approximately 1,000 projects, leveraging nearly $4 billion annually in private investment in the rehabilitation of historic buildings across the country. Learn more before you apply (
Federal Lands Access Program
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: State government
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
View Website:
Other information: The Federal Lands Access Program (Access Program) was established in 23 U.S.C. 204 to improve transportation facilities that provide access to, are adjacent to, or are located within Federal lands. The Access Program supplements state and local resources for public roads, transit systems, and other transportation facilities, with an emphasis on high-use recreation sites and economic generators. The program is designed to provide flexibility for a wide range of transportation projects in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Contract authority from the Highway Trust Fund funds the Access Program. Funds are subject to the overall Federal-aid obligation limitation. Funds will be allocated among the states using a new statutory formula based on road mileage, number of bridges, land area, and visitation.
Federal Lands Transportation Program
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient:
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
View Website:
Other information: The FLTP builds upon the structure of the traditional Federal Lands Highway Program. It improves multi-modal access within national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers facilities. The FLTP complements the Federal Lands Access Program. Where the Access Program provides funds for state and local roads that access the Federal estate, the FLTP focuses on the transportation infrastructure owned and maintained by Federal lands management agencies.
Great Schools by Design
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
View Website:
Other information: School superintendents, parents, teachers, students, local government officials participate in 1-2 day institutes to receive training and technical assistance from national sustainable design experts on school design, green schools, site planning, facility and classroom design, schools as centers of community.
Greening America’s Capitals
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Funds design studies related to innovative green building and green infrastructure strategies.
Healthy Food Financing Initiative
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Non-Profit Organization, Local/Regional government
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: The Healthy Food Financing Initiative provides funding to increase access to healthy food in communities, particularly lower-income neighborhoods without grocery stores or other sources of fresh produce and nutritious food. Funds can be used to finance the opening of new grocery stores or renovate existing stores to expand supply of healthy food. Funds can also be used to improve distribution systems and do outreach and education to consumers about healthy food choices.
Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Funds technical studies to identify and address housing-related health and safety hazards and develop cost-effective methods to control these hazards. Grant application closes March 19, 2013.
HOME Investment Partnership
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: HOME provides formula grants to states and localities that communities use – often in partnership with local nonprofit groups – to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership or provide direct rental assistance to low-income people. States are automatically eligible for HOME funds and receive either their formula allocation or $3 million whichever is greater. Local jurisdictions eligible for at least $500,000 under the formula ($335,000 in years when Congress appropriates less than $1.5 billion for HOME) also can receive an allocation.
Homeless Programs
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Funds services and development of emergency shelters and transitional and permanent housing for the homeless.
Hope VI Main Street Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Less than $50,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: The HOPE VI Main Street Grants are used as a revitalization effort seeking to rejuvenate older, downtown business districts while retaining the area’s traditional historic character. The grants provide assistance to smaller communities so that obsolete commercial offices or buildings can be reconfigured into rent producing affordable housing. Approximately $500,000 was available for award for the past fiscal year.
Housing Preservation Grants
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: $250,000 – $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: Funds the rehabilitation of low and very low income housing in towns of 20,000 or less.
Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Funds community development for Native American communities, including housing improvements and increased economic opportunities of low or moderate income populations. Grant applications close March 18, 2013.
Intermountain West Funder Network Small Grants Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: Less than $50,000
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
View Website:
Other information: Funds community engagement that leads to environmentally sustainable, socially equitable, and economically prosperous regions and communities. Eligible applicants are: Non-profit organizations located in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Washington, Oregon, and California.
Lead Grants
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Funds lead reduction programs in communities with older housing.
Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Funds environmental health and safety concerns including: mold, abestos mold, lead, allergens, asthma, carbon monoxide, home safety, pesticides, and radon.
Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Non-Profit or For-Profit Organization
Sponsor: Treasury/Internal Revenue Service (IRS), US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: The LIHTC Program is an indirect Federal subsidy used to finance the development of affordable rental housing for low- income households. To be eligible for consideration under the LIHTC Program a proposed project must: be a residential rental property; commit to one of two possible low-income occupancy threshold requirements; restrict rents, including utility charges, in low-income units; and operate under the rent and income restrictions for 30 years or longer, pursuant to written agreements with the agency issuing the tax credits. The minimum affordability period required is 30 years. Developers may claim housing tax credits directly, but most sell the tax credits to raise equity capital for their housing project.
Mayors’ Institute on City Design (MICD)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
View Website:
Other information: Technical Assistance on urban redevelopment, brownfield remediation, waterfront design and development,transportation corridor design, transit station area design, city infrastructure.
Metropolitan and Statewide Planning Programs (5303, 5304, 5305)
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Supports comprehensive planning activities that increases the safety, accessibility, and interconnectedness of transportation systems.
Mortgage Insurance for Purchase or Refinancing of Existing Multifamily Rental Housing: Section 207/223 (F)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Non-Profit or For-Profit Organization, Individual
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Section 207/223(f) insures mortgage loans to facilitate the purchase or refinancing of existing multifamily rental housing. These projects may have been financed originally with conventional or FHA insured mortgages. Properties requiring substantial rehabilitation are not eligible for mortgage insurance under this program. HUD permits the completion of non-critical repairs after endorsement for mortgage insurance.
Mortgage Insurance for Rental and Cooperative Housing: Section 221(d)(3) and Section 221(d)(4)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Non-Profit or For-Profit Organization, Individual
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Section 221(d)(3) and 221(d)(4) insures mortgage loans to facilitate the new construction or substantial rehabilitation of multifamily rental or cooperative housing for moderate-income families, elderly, and the handicapped. Single Room Occupancy (SRO) projects may also be insured under this section. Beginning in FY2013, the Department has suspended the Section 221(d)(3) program unless the project to be financed also receives Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Without LIHTC the program would require positive credit subsidy which is Congressionally appropriated and higher Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP) than Section 221(d)(4). Section 221(d)(4) can be utilized by non-profit mortgagors at much less cost, but with virtually the same benefits as with Section 221(d)(3), including recognition of a developer’s fee.
National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC)
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: School Districts, Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Funds diesel emission‐reduction projects. The full program is $20 million. School districts are also eligible to apply for funds.
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: NSP is intended to stabilize communities that have suffered from foreclosures and abandonment by providing funds to purchase and redevelop distressed residential properties. NSP1 provides grants to all states and selected local governments on a formula basis. NSP2 provides grants to states, local governments, nonprofits and a consortium of nonprofit entities on a competitive basis. NSP3 provides a third round of neighborhood stabilization grants to all states and select governments on a formula basis.
New Market Tax Credits (NMTC) Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: Treasury/Internal Revenue Service (IRS), US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: The NMTC Program was established to spur new or increased investments into operating businesses and real estate projects located in low-income communities. It attracts investment capital to low-income communities by permitting individual and corporate investors to receive a tax credit against their Federal income tax return in exchange or making equity investment in specialized financial institutions called Community Development Entities (CDEs). The credit totals 39 percent of the original investment amount and is claimed over a period of seven years (five percent for each of the first three years, and six percent for each of the remaining four years). The investment in the CDE cannot be redeemed before the end of the seven-year period.
Non-Urbanized Area Formula Grant
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
View Website:
Other information: Supports the development of public transit in areas with a population under 50,000.
Operation Stonegarden (OPSG)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Actual program sponsor is the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP). Funds coordination among agencies at different levels of governments in communities with international borders.
Partners for Places
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Nonprofit sector
View Website:
Other information: Partners for Places is a successful matching grant program that creates opportunities for cities and counties in the United States and Canada to improve communities by building partnerships between local government sustainability offices and place-based foundations. National funders invest in local projects to promote a healthy environment, a strong economy, and well-being of all residents. Through these projects, Partners for Places fosters long-term relationships that make our urban areas more prosperous, livable, and vibrant. The application deadline for Round Nine is July 25, 2016.
Planning and Local Technical Assistance Programs Opportunity
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities:
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient:
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Funds regional economic development planning and implementation in communities with dire economic distress.
Play Everywhere Challenge
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Less than $50,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: KaBOOM!, US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: The Play Everywhere Challenge is a call for ideas that will help uncover the best replicable, scalable innovations in city redevelopment and design that will make play easy, available and fun for all kids and families. It is an opportunity to reimagine what and where a play space is and can be. The application period will be open from May 3-May 31.
Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant Program
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Program that assist businesses and industries assess pollution levels and comply with environmental regulations.
Port Security Grant Program (PSGP)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Port Authorities, Local/Regional government
Sponsor: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Recipients must be port authorities. Funds port infrastructure for protection from terrorism.
Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Discretionary Grant Program (5311)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design
Maximum award: $250,000 – $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
View Website:
Other information: Funds planning, capital, and operating assistance for rural transit and rural intercity bus. Funds are available the year appropriated plus two years (total of three years). Call (202) 366-2053 for amount and deadline.
Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs Opportunity
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Supports development in economically distressed areas by funding construction, non-construction, and revolving loan fund investments.
Recreational Trails Program
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: State government
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
View Website:
Other information: The RTP provides funds to the states to develop and maintain recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both non- motorized and motorized recreational trail uses. The RTP is an assistance program of the Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Federal transportation fund benefits for recreation include hiking, bicycling, in-line skating, equestrian use, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, off-road motorcycling, all-terrain vehicle riding, four- wheel driving, or using other off-road motorized vehicles.
Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Service Coordinators Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Public outreach/education
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Program designed to provide public housing agencies or other community-based organizations with a Service Coordinator. The coordinator would organize supportive services and resident empowerment opportunities to push public housing residents toward economic self-sufficiency. Grant applications close February 13, 2013.
Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grant Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: A revolving loan fund for brownfield clean up.
Rural Business Enterprise Grants (RBEG) Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: $250,000 – $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: Actual grant sponsor is USDA. Grant amounts range from $10,000 to $500,000. Highly flexible. Funds land acquisition/development, buildings, transportation facilities, training, business loan programs, etc for projects in rural areas.
Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local Government, Tribal Government or Non-Profit Organization
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: The Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing program seeks to fund a mix of applicants with demonstrated skill to carry out rural housing and community development activities. The Act (2013) makes $4,738,470 million available.
Rural Cooperative Development Grant Program (RCDG)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: Funds rural cooperative to boost economic development. Funding for FY11 was $7.4 million total. Applications are accepted on a continuing basis and processed as received.
Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: $250,000 – $500,000
Eligible recipient:
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: Actual grant sponsor is the USDA. Funds low and no-interest loans to projects that will create and retain rural jobs. Non-profit utility companies are eligible to apply. Grants are $300,000 and loans are $700,000.
Rural Energy for America Program – Renewable Energy System and Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loan and Grant Program
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: $250,000 – $500,000
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: Funds the purchase, installation, construction, and improvements of renewable energy systems for rural small businesses and agricultural producers. To apply: File a paper Standard Form (SF) 424.1 at your RD/Rural Business-Cooperative Program state office. Online form: Available grants and loans include: Renewable Energy System Grant $2,500 to $500,000, Energy Efficiency Improvement Grant $1,500 to $250,000, and Loans from $5,000–$25 million.
Rural Energy For America Program Grants (REAP Feasibility Study Grants) Section 9007
Grant topic: Sustainability
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: Less than $50,000
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: Funds energy audits, renewable energy development assistance, and feasibility studies for farmers, ranchers, and rural small businesses.
Small Socially-Disadvantaged Producer Grant (SSDPG)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: Technical assistance to small, socially-disadvantaged agricultural producers.
Smart Growth America Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
View Website:
Other information: Technical assistance workshops on smart growth development.
Smart Growth Implementation Assistance (SGIA) Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Direct assistance of smart growth national expertise to benefit local leaders. Non-profits partnering with a government entity are also eligible to apply.
SmartWay Transport Partnership
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Web‐based technical assistance addressing innovative financing options, air quality planning guidance, product and vehicle verification and certification, and recognition incentives.
Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Project financing
Maximum award: $250,000 – $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: To advance projects which support long-term community and economic growth strategies that reflect both multi-jurisdictional stakeholder collaboration and capitalize upon the unique strengths of the rural area. Application Deadline: June 30
Strong Cities, Strong Communities Visioning Challenge (SC2)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: SC2 funding will support the development and implementation of comprehensive economic development strategic plans. Grant recipients run a local Challenge Competition, inviting multidisciplinary teams to submit proposals for comprehensive economic development strategic plans establishing and promoting a vision and approach to stimulate local economic development.
Supportive Housing for People with Disabilities (Section 811)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient:
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Funds construction and operations of housing for the disabled. Eligible grantees are state housing agencies. Applications must be submitted to the local HUD field office with jurisdiction over the area where the proposed project will be located.
Supportive Housing for the Elderly (Section 202)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Private sector
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Funds construction and operations of housing for the elderly. Applications must be submitted to the local HUD field office with jurisdiction over the area where the proposed project will be located.
Sustainable Cities Design Academy
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Public outreach/education
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: Regional teams consisting of city leaders, developers and design professionals participate in three-day workshops and receive technical assistance from national sustainable design experts on topics such as site plans, green infrastructure, financial planning analysis, community engagement, etc.
Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Public outreach/education
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Free technical assistance in brownfield clean up and redevelopment (deciphering technical reports, financing projects, community engagement).
The Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Public outreach/education
Maximum award: In-kind technical assistance
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, Private sector
Sponsor: Nonprofit sector
View Website:
Other information: Technical assistance for downtown revitalization, land conservation, greenway design, gateway enhancement, public art. Eligible recipients are rural communities with population of less than 50,000 people.
Transformation Initiative; Sustainable Construction in Indian Country
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital
Maximum award: $50,000 – $250,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
View Website:
Other information: This grant provides funding for projects that encourages the use of sustainable construction practices in Native American housing. Proposals should take into account the multiple geographic, economic and cultural aspects of Native American residential design and construction. HUD seeks applications in four broad areas: demonstration, technical assistance, curriculum development/training, and information dissemination related to sustainable construction in the Native Community. The amount rewarded range from $50,000 to $100,000.
Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Transit Agencies
Sponsor: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Recipients must be transit agencies. Provides funds for protecting public transit infrastructure from terrorism.
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: State government
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
View Website:
Other information: TAP is a Federal Highway Administration program that helps expand transportation choices and enhance transportation through 12 eligible transportation enhancement surface transportation activities, including pedestrian & bicycle infrastructure and safety programs, landscaping beautification, historic preservation, and environmental mitigation.
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA)
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Non-Profit or For-Profit Organization, Independently or jointly with public-private team, Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
View Website:
Other information: TIFIA provides Federal credit assistance in the form of direct loans, loan guarantees, and standby lines of credit to finance surface transportation projects of national and regional significance. TIFIA credit assistance provides improved access to capital markets, flexible repayment terms, and potentially more favorable interest rates that can be found in private capital markets for similar instruments. TIFIA can help advance qualified, large-scale projects that otherwise might be delayed or deferred because of size, complexity, or uncertainty over the timing of revenues. Many surface transportation projects – highway, transit, railroad, intermodal freight, and port access – are eligible for assistance. Each dollar of Federal funds can provide up to $10 in TIFIA credit assistance – and leverage $30 in transportation infrastructure investment. Project minimum cost is $50 million.
Transportation Investments Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER)
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Tribal Government, Local/Regional government, State government
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
View Website:
Other information: TIGER is a competitive grant program funding infrastructure projects that promote economic competitiveness, improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve safety, quality-of-life and working environments in communities. Unlike last year, no planning grants will be awarded this year and all the funding will be for project implementation. This year 52 projects were granted funds ranging from $1.5 to $20 million.
Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI)
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Planning and design, Project financing
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: State government
Sponsor: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
View Website:
Other information: Funds planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs to fight terrorism. Thirty-one high-threat, high-density urban areas are eligible for funding.
Urbanized Area Formula Grant
Grant topic: Transportation
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Planning and design
Maximum award: Over $500,000
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government
Sponsor: US DOT (Department of Transportation)
View Website:
Other information: Funds for transit capital and operating assistance for municipalities with populations greater than 50,000.
USDA Business and Industry (B&I) Guaranteed Loans
Grant topic: Community Development
Supported activities: Construction/capital, Project financing
Maximum award: Financing
Eligible recipient: Local/Regional government, State government, Private sector
Sponsor: USDA (Department of Agriculture)
View Website:
Other information: The purpose of the B&I Guaranteed Loan Program is to improve, develop or finance business, industry, and employment and improve the economy and environmental climate in rural communities. This purpose is achieved by bolstering the existing private credit structure through the guarantee of quality loans. Funds may be used for business and industrial acquisitions when the loan will keep the business from closing, prevent the loss of employment opportunities or provide jobs; business conversion, enlargement, repair, modernization, or development; purchase and development of land, easements, right-of-way, building or facilities; purchase of equipment, leasehold improvements, machinery, supplies, or inventory.