HUD's Sustainable Communities grants are helping communities – and getting an impressive return on investment

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities (OSHC) has already helped hundreds of towns and cities across the country become economically stronger, environmentally sustainable, and more inclusive through its workshops, technical resources and grant programs. As a new report explains, these programs are also making the most of federal investments.

OSHC’s 2011 accomplishments update explains that the Office’s 152 grants in 48 states, totaling $240 million, generated almost $253 million in private investments and commitments from local partners. The Sustainable Communities grants, one of the major grant programs administered by the Office, generated $115 million in matching and in-kind contributions – more than 120% of the original $95.8 million invested.

The Office’s accomplishments report is a compendium of some of the most interesting smart growth projects in the works today. For example:

With a $3.7 million grant from HUD as the catalyst, the Austin, TX region is linking its long-term regional transportation plan and local public works capital plans to 37 mixed-use centers. These hubs of offices, light manufacturing, residential, and commercial uses, strategically positioned along the region’s transit system, are expected to generate over 7,000 new permanent jobs in the next 10 years, in addition to supporting thousands of construction jobs as the projects are built.

OSHC is the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s representative to the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, an unprecedented collaboration between HUD, DOT, and EPA. By coordinating federal investments in infrastructure, facilities, and services, the Partnership is laying the groundwork for an economy that provides good jobs now and creates a strong foundation for long-term prosperity that can meet multiple economic, environmental, and community objectives with each dollar spent.

The Partnership for Sustainable Communities helping to create great neighborhoods across the country. Support their work: voice your support for the Partnership for Sustainable Communities.

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