Partnership in the News: Houston-Galveston Residents Shape Their Future

An article posted by Houston’s Atascocita Observer reports on an unprecedented effort in the 13-county, Houston-Galveston area to shape the future of the region based on recommendations from residents, the business community, the local government, and others gathered through a series of meetings.

More than 6 million people now live in the region and as many as 4 million new people could live in the 13-county area by 2040. This two year planning project is the first step in answering questions such as “Where will those residents live?” “How will they move around the region?” and “How will change affect quality of life?”

Over the next two months residents will have an opportunity to give their feedback on what they think are the most pressing issues facing their communities and the region overall and share their hopes for what a better tomorrow may look like.

Part of a larger process funded by a Department of Housing and Urban Development Regional Planning Grant, community input will be compiled into suggestions for creating an economically competitive region that each community can voluntarily select or adapt to meet their unique needs.

For more information on the project visit

For more information on the Partnership for Sustainable Communities visit
