Complete Streets Consortium Series

Smart Growth America’s new technical assistance opportunity—the Complete Streets Consortium Series—was open to all units of local government.  Thank you to those communities which applied for the program.

Our re-launched Complete Streets Consortium Series is an opportunity for three communities from the same state to work closely together to implement Complete Streetsstreets that are safe and accessible for people of all ages and abilities.

Smart Growth America is committed to ensuring that our workshops are accessible to all communities. After receiving feedback from numerous communities who were ineligible under the application requirements announced earlier this fall, the Complete Streets Consortium Series is now open to any three units or subdivisions of local government, Indian tribe, or regional government.

Applications were due Thursday, February 2, 2017. For more information on the program, see the PDF version of the application.

Download the PDF 

Current communities

On April 11, 2017, we announced the recipient consortium for 2017 — three cities in Tennessee. On December 13, 2017, we awarded a second recipient consortium — three communities in the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area.

Missed this round of applications? Smart Growth America offers paid workshops year round. Click here to learn about our paid workshops >>.

For more information on our Complete Streets workshops, download the informational one-pager or explore past workshop materials to see how we’ve helped other communities.

About the program

The Complete Streets Consortium Series is one of several types of technical assistance Smart Growth America offers in our Foundations for Smart Growth program. This program is funded through the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Sustainable Communities under their Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program. The Building Blocks program funds quick, targeted assistance to communities that face common development problems.  Now in its seventh year, this program has helped more than 80 communities grow in ways that benefit residents and businesses while protecting the environment and preserving a sense of place.