A few more Walk Score stories

We’ll probably start adding new stories into these two existing posts in the future, but here are a few more pertinent stories about the release of Walk Score‘s neighborhood rankings over the last few days: Site makes strides to score walkable cities USA Today “With the surge in gas prices, people are really considering the … Continued


The morning's Walk Score coverage

Here’s a roundup of some of the morning’s coverage. See something we’re missing in your local paper? Pass it along in the comments. —- The most walkable cities are looking even better in the age of $4 gas Marketwatch “Most Americans agree we will never see cheap gas again,” said David Goldberg, spokesman for Smart … Continued


Q & A with Author Anthony Flint

Anthony Flint, author of the new book, “This Land: The Battle Over Sprawl and the Future of America.” covered planning and transportation issues for the Boston Globe before leaving several months ago to help his home state of Massachusetts communicate with citizens about its smart growth programs. He recently was named public affairs director of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge. In a conversation with SGA’s communications director, David Goldberg, Flint talks about his emerging optimism.


Gov. Glendening: "Americans demand more and better options"

After years of inactivity while gasoline was cheap, leaders are now scrambling to “do something” about the high gas prices that are making life difficult for everyday Americans. The solutions range from short-sighted (drill ANWR) to ultimately ineffective (national speed limit), and most fail to address the core issue that makes gas prices matter so … Continued
