In the past two weeks, we’ve learned about three new policies:
In Montana, Bozeman became the second city to adopt a policy when its City Commission adopted Resolution No. 4244 (.pdf) on February 22. The policy principles will be applied to single projects and privately funded development, and through a series of smaller improvements to incrementally improve the transportation network for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit vehicles and riders, children, older adults, and people
with disabilities.
Earlier last month, the Mayor and Council of Franklin, Pennsylvania adopted Resolution No. 18 of 2010 (.pdf) to increase the safety, health, and general welfare of the city’s residents and visitors by accommodating all users in all new construction or reconstruction of roadways. Franklin is the second city in the state to adopt a complete streets policy.
And, in Indiana, the Madison County Council of Governments (MCCOG) adopted its Complete Streets Policy (.pdf), which will be applied to new construction and reconstruction of local roadways that use federal funds allocated by the MCCOG and all projects added to the region’s Transportation Improvement Program. They are the second MPO in Indiana to adopt a policy.
Work continues in a number of other communities (and states!):
Michigan: Advocates are hard at work in communities across the state, and state legislators are considering a statewide complete streets law. The Michigan Complete Streets Coalition is successfully recruiting new partner organizations. The state Department of Community Health (MDCH) will fund five local health departments to pursue complete streets policies this year and another five to do the same next year. MDCH and Michigan Public Health Institute will hire a Complete Streets Project Coordinator to assist local communities and work on the state-level campaign.
Minnesota: The Complete Streets bills have passed the House Transportation Finance Committee and the Senate Transportation Committee, with strong and bipartisan support. On Monday, the St. Paul Pioneer Press reported on the bill and the greater complete streets movement in the state.
Mississippi: In addition to Tupelo, three other communities are looking to complete streets policies. Hernando’s Mayor Chip Johnson reports their bill will come before the Board of Alderman soon. Ridgeland is already on board with the concept and Palahatchie is studying the benefits of a complete streets approach.
Missouri: Representative Mike Sutherland introduced HCR 67, a resolution in support of Complete Streets in Missouri. The resolution makes the case for routinely including all users in transportation planning, design, construction, and maintenance and is part of a larger effort between advocates and the state Department of Transportation to follow complete streets principles.
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia was recently awarded funding to develop its Complete Streets Handbook. Allentown is developing its own complete streets policy, as directed by its draft Connecting Our Community (.pdf) plan.