Massachusetts OZ Academy (2019)

The Massachusetts Opportunity Zones Academy aimed to ensure that Massachusetts communities are prepared to make the most of the federal Opportunity Zones tax incentive. LOCUS selected six Massachusetts communities to participate in a three-part technical assistance program focusing on the role of Opportunity Zones and Opportunity Funds in stimulating investment in traditionally underserved census tracts. … Continued

Technical assistance

Smart Growth America’s arts & culture team provides technical assistance to help communities of all sizes better integrate arts, culture, and creative placemaking into neighborhood revitalization, equitable development, and transportation planning and design efforts. This technical assistance typically takes the form of interactive workshops involving local arts agencies and departments of transportation and are led … Continued


Complete Streets, Complete Communities Distance Learning Series The Complete Streets, Complete Communities distance learning series is a set of seven online modules designed for public health and transportation professionals to learn about how to influence community health outcomes through local and regional transportation policies and practices, as well as about opportunities to collaborate across both … Continued

USDA Rural Development

About these workshops: Smart growth strategies can help small towns build durable local economies, reduce public costs, and preserve the features that make them unique. And reinvesting in existing places can actually be even more impactful in smaller communities than in big cities. Small communities have fewer financial resources to work with, so even modest efforts … Continued

What is creative placemaking?

Coined by Ann Markusen and Anne Gadwa Nicodemus for the National Endowment for the Arts in 2010, creative placemaking refers to the process in which “partners from public, private, non-profit, and community sectors strategically shape the physical and social character of a neighborhood, town, city, or region around arts and cultural activities.” Creative placemaking advocates … Continued