Smart Growth America is seeking an experienced professional in layout and design to transform a draft report into a visually appealing and accessible final resource. Please submit proposals to Heidi Simon, Director of Thriving Communities ([email protected]) by Tuesday, January 23.
Smart Growth America has drafted a report exploring the practice of measuring successful implementation of Complete Streets policies across the U.S. This report includes information on the importance of data collection and measurement, a selection of metrics for practitioners to choose from, and a look at current best practices in the data collection field as they relate to Complete Streets. The report is loosely based on and looks to update our earlier report, Evaluating Complete Streets projects: A guide for practitioners.
Scope of work
SGA is seeking an individual or a small firm with experience in report design to take the draft report text and format it into a final product. The current draft is 40 pages of text. It is expected that there will be light graphics including laying out the menu of possible metrics and incorporating photographs or other visual elements. Smart Growth America will work with the selected contractor to produce the stylized final report. The report will primarily be viewed online and should be expected to be delivered as a PDF that uses ADA accessibility best practices. The final report will include photos and other graphic elements throughout to help break up text and reinforce the content.
We hope to have a final product in hand by the first week of March, although the exact delivery date can be discussed.
Core goals
- Create a visually appealing, accessible, and easily digested resource for practitioners as they measure successful implementation of Complete Streets policies
- Allow stakeholders to develop and implement a metrics reporting system that reflects the goals and vision of their Complete Streets program
- Elevate the need for better data and metrics around the implementation of Complete Streets policies
Smart Growth America will provide the selected contractor with the draft text, SGA branding guidelines, and samples of recent reports. Creative direction in the design and overall product will be the responsibility of the contractor with input and feedback provided by staff at Smart Growth America.
Up to $10,000 is budgeted for this contract. Cost will be considered as part of the assessment of proposals. We do not expect to need travel or other reimbursements in this contract. The budget should note the number of rounds of review included with the cost.
Desired qualifications
SGA is seeking a diverse pool of candidates. Black, Indigenous, and people of color-led and women-owned companies are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants will be selected based on the following desired criteria:
- A proven ability to develop visually compelling reports and format large amounts of text into a digestible format
- Experience in creating a vision for a primarily technical document
- Experience with producing reports that sync up with an organization’s established visual styles and brand.
- Ability to work on a tight turnaround.
Proposal submission
Interested applicants should submit proposals to Heidi Simon, Director of Thriving Communities ([email protected]) by Tuesday, January 23. Proposals should be succinct and include the following:
- A short one- or half-page letter describing your approach, interest in the project, and any similar work.
- A draft budget for the project.
- Some samples of recent work relevant to this project’s scope.
- Proposed project timeline
- List of references
- Key staff
About SGA
Smart Growth America (SGA) is a national non-profit organization that is dedicated to advancing equitable, sustainable land use, development, and transportation. The organization empowers communities through technical assistance, advocacy, and thought leadership to create livable places, healthy people, and shared prosperity. We work with elected officials at all levels, real estate developers, chambers of commerce, transportation, and urban planning professionals, and residents to improve everyday life for people across the country through better development.
About the National Complete Streets Coalition
The National Complete Streets Coalition, a program of Smart Growth America, is a non-profit, non-partisan alliance of public organizations, professionals, and advocates committed to the development and implementation of Complete Streets policies and practices.