Publication Date
November 2020
Resource Type
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Arts and Transportation Rapid Response
Facing incredible challenges during shutdown and then reopening, the creative practices of artists can help transportation agencies better respond to rapidly changing demands related to public space, getting around safely, mask wearing, social distancing, and communicating about rules and regulations that were changing daily.
In 2020, we chose five agencies to receive funding to address COVID-related transportation challenges and systemic inequities in unique, creative ways, with the support of local artists.
With projects on the ground and some results in hand, this report includes a detailed profile of each of the five projects, considers what was learned, and reflects on the incredible benefits of working with artists to address inequities and improve transportation for everyone.
The Arts + Transportation Rapid Response initiative was conducted in partnership with Forecast Public Art and with funding from the Kresge Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.