What’s Possible: Investing Now for Prosperous, Sustainable Neighborhoods

We’re excited to announce that our President and CEO, Calvin Gladney, has an essay featured in What’s Possible: Investing Now for Prosperous, Sustainable Neighborhoods. This book includes voices from climate, finance, and community leaders who offer actionable solutions that aim to support the transformation of our infrastructure and energy systems to build more resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities across America.

our staff

Six things to know about applying for the next round of Safe Streets for All funding

With USDOT soon opening up over $1 billion in Safe Streets for All grant funding, cities, towns, counties, and other local jurisdictions should be prepared to apply for this tremendous opportunity to receive direct federal funding for improving the safety of everyone who uses your streets. After detailing the program’s unique ability to fund quick-build … Continued


Vision is a verb: Looking back at our first Complete Streets Power Hour

Our new webinar series brings together advocates and implementers to discuss how to advance Complete Streets in their communities. At our first Power Hour, we spoke with two implementers and one advocate from Minnesota about how they’ve gone about establishing a north star for Complete Streets in the North Star State. As it turns out, it’s all about the process.

Complete Streets Events

A strong Complete Streets policy prioritizes underinvested and underserved communities (element #2)

Building a complete and connected transportation network requires investing in places and people that have not received investment. The strongest Complete Streets policies will specifically prioritize underinvested and underserved communities based on the jurisdiction’s composition and objectives.


A strong Complete Streets policy applies to all transportation projects, in every phase (element #3)

To which projects or streets should a Complete Streets policy apply? If the policy is a strong one, then it dictates a holistic approach to every transportation project, in every place, in every phase of work. This means the application of a policy will also look different based on context.


A strong Complete Streets policy allows only clear exceptions (element #4)

As noted in policy element #3, Complete Streets policies are comprehensive and apply to all streets and in all phases of all projects, but there are certain circumstances where exceptions can—and should—be made. But those exceptions must be narrowly and clearly defined, as well as require public notice prior to approval by a high-level official.


A strong Complete Streets policy requires coordination between jurisdictions, agencies, and departments (element #5)

Any number of agencies—city, county, metro region, or state—may be responsible for the streets and sidewalks, often with overlapping authority. This is why the strongest Complete Streets policies clearly define who is responsible, what level of coordination is required, and even when or how outside parties must comply.
