Publication Date
March 2018
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The Best Complete Streets Initiatives of 2017
Last November, the National Complete Streets Coalition released a new and improved policy framework for grading Complete Streets policies. Our revamped Elements of a Complete Streets Policy raises the bar by calling for stronger commitments to both equity and implementation (see Complete Streets Month). To celebrate the new framework, this year we’re highlighting 12 of the best Complete Streets initiatives, projects, and champions around the country in lieu of our typical annual Best Complete Streets Policies report.
The Best Complete Streets Initiatives of 2017, released by the National Complete Streets Coalition, celebrates all of these accomplishments as well as the 12 communities that have already begun to set an example for Complete Streets implementation and equity.
Specifically, we selected 12 communities from an open nomination period that closed on December 15, 2017. See the full list of initiatives below (in no particular order):
- Baltimore, MD: Complete Streets Champion Ryan Dorsey
- Las Cruces, NM: Downtown Master Plan
- Québec City, Quebec: Complete Streets Prioritization Tool
- Florida: FDOT Design Manual
- Philadelphia, PA: Philly Free Streets
- Warsaw, MO: Warsaw Riverfront Trails
- Stoneham, MA: Complete Streets Champion Erin Wortman
- Bloomfield, NJ: VELO Bloomfield
- Bonita Springs, FL: Downtown Improvements Project
- Alexandria, VA: King Street Project
- Rochester, NY: Inner Loop East Transformation Project
- South Bend, IN: Smart Streets
This year, as we transition to using the new framework, we wanted to highlight communities around the country that have already taken great strides to address equity and implementation through their Complete Streets initiatives. We received many strong nominations for the Best Complete Streets initiatives, but the 12 communities highlighted in this report go above and beyond in engaging the community, embedding Complete Streets in their routine transportation planning processes, and implementing innovative projects.
Congratulations to these 12 communities and champions, and thank you to every community that passed a Complete Streets policy in 2017. We look forward to working with all of you to continue advancing the Complete Streets movement with stronger, more binding policies that set the stage for equity and implementation.