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Rethinking I-94
Learn more about MnDOT's efforts to rethink the I-94 corridor through the Twin Cities and better address mobility concerns with the Rethinking I-94 program ››
Reconnecting Neighborhoods across I-94 at Lexington Parkway and Dowling Avenue
The construction of I-94 in the 1960s through the heart of St. Paul and Minneapolis had devastating impacts for historic communities in both cities. It created physical barriers between neighborhoods, disconnected people from opportunities, and disrupted the social fabric of the communities.
MnDOT launched the Rethinking I-94 Study as a two-year effort to chart a future for the I-94 corridor. Through a series of public meetings and outreach, MnDOT is working with neighborhoods, community groups, district councils, local governments and others to:
- Develop a comprehensive, long-term and community-based approach to
address I-94 study area needs; - Better understand who uses and crosses I-94, how they are traveling, and
what parts of the study area work and do not work for residents; - Gain a stronger understanding of the condition of I-94 including bridges,
walls and tunnels in the study area; and - Determine how to best address mobility needs on I-94.
Through support from the McKnight Foundation, MnDOT partnered with Smart Growth America to host two visioning and design workshops for decision-makers and community residents to further the objectives of the Rethinking I-94 Study. The first workshop focused on the area surrounding the Lexington Parkway bridge over I-94 in St. Paul, while the second focused on the area surrounding the Dowling Avenue bridge over I-94 in Minneapolis.
This report summarizes major values and goals articulated by participants during each workshop and the ideas brainstormed for improving safety, access, and sense of place along and across the I-94 corridor at the two interchanges of focus.