Five street safety goals for 2025

The Thriving Communities team at Smart Growth America, alongside our partners at the National Complete Streets Coalition, worked tirelessly throughout 2024 to advance our vision of healthy, prosperous, and resilient communities. We saw many successes, from our Complete Streets Leadership Academies helping to shape safe streets policies and implementation across the country to our Dangerous by Design report influencing the national conversation about street design. Despite this, we’re ending the year facing many of the same issues that we started it with—historically high pedestrian fatalities, communities chipping away at decades of car-centric design, and far too little support for the type of systemic change we know is needed.

Complete Streets

How do you shovel a bike lane? New resources for maintaining Complete Streets in snowy weather

nyc-dot-bike-lane-snowCrews clear snow from a pedestrian and bicycle path in New York City last week. Photo by New York City Department of Transportation via Twitter.

A large swath of the country is still digging out from the most recent round of winter snow storms, deploying plows, snow blowers, shovels, sand, salt and even cheese to keep people moving. Many of these strategies focus on keeping roads clear for drivers. What about for people who walk, bicycle or rely on transit?

Complete Streets is a process for funding, planning, designing, building, operating and minting community streets so that travel by all modes is safe and comfortable. In climates where snowfall is expected, Complete Streets mean thoughtful roadway design and appropriate plans and policies for snow and ice management for all users.

Complete Streets