Request for proposals: Designing brand materials for the Form-Based Codes Institute

Smart Growth America is seeking a qualified artist, illustrator, or designer to produce a logo and collateral materials to launch a new initiative of SGA’s Form-Based Codes Institute program. Proposals should be sent to Toccarra Nicole Thomas, AICP, Director Land Use and Development and Executive Director of the Form-Based Codes Institute by Friday, March 1, … Continued

Form-Based Codes

Moving within this moment: Strategies for overcoming structural barriers

Efforts to advance equity in today’s environment face major structural setbacks, including the recent Supreme Court decision overturning affirmative action and reduced corporate commitment to DEI. Panelists representing a range of fields, including transportation, housing, and the civic sector, will reflect on how they are continuing to center equity in the face of these challenges. … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Events

Staff spotlight: Heidi Simon, SGA Director of Thriving Communities

Heidi Simon has been the Director of Thriving Communities at SGA for a year and also leads our work with the National Complete Streets Coalition. In this Q&A, she reflects on her first year at SGA and what she’s looking forward to in 2024.   Tell us about your background and how your experience led you … Continued

our staff

Healing Our Highways Grant Application FAQ

What is the Healing Our Highways grant program? Smart Growth America, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Kresge Foundation, is launching our new grant program: Healing Our Highways. This initiative aims to generate creative ideas and activities that build knowledge, connections, and power within disadvantaged communities most harmed by transportation … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Arts and Culture Climate Change Technical assistance Transportation

Six things to know about applying for the next round of Safe Streets for All funding

With USDOT soon opening up over $1 billion in Safe Streets for All grant funding, cities, towns, counties, and other local jurisdictions should be prepared to apply for this tremendous opportunity to receive direct federal funding for improving the safety of everyone who uses your streets. After detailing the program’s unique ability to fund quick-build … Continued


Supercharge your community’s safety demonstration projects with Safe Streets for All

Because of a mistake by Congress in the 2021 infrastructure law, 40 percent of the new $1 billion-per-year Safe Streets for All program must be directed to planning rather than constructing tangible infrastructure projects. A clarification that the planning grants can support quick-build safety demonstration projects presents an enormous opportunity for cities and towns to directly tap the available $400 million and experiment with low-cost temporary street safety projects.

Complete Streets Transportation

Request for proposals: Video/creative consulting services for short feature on flooding

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking an experienced videographer for consultant services for its Climate and Land Use Technical Assistance program. Such services will help SGA and its community-based partners produce two short videos to raise awareness of the risks associated with tropical storms, flooding, sea level rise, and erosion in Fort Pierce, Florida. SGA … Continued


What to expect at the 2024 Equity Summit

The Equity Summit is more than a conference. It’s a time to connect movement leaders, identify key needs within the field, and build a community of mutual support and encouragement among practitioners who may be discouraged by resistance to meaningful progress. Here’s what you can expect. Over the course of our two-day program, participants will … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Events

Staff spotlight: Toccarra Nicole Thomas, Director of Land Use and Development

Toccarra Nicole Thomas, AICP, joined Smart Growth America as the Director of Land Use and Development in June 2022. She is also the Executive Director at the Form-Based Codes Institute. We talked with her about her personal and professional values and experiences when it comes to racial equity in smart growth as well as her … Continued

our staff