Poor sidewalks, bikeways and transit service a barrier for older Americans seeking relief from high gas prices

Guest post by Barbara McCann, coordinator of the National Complete Streets Coalition A new poll out from AARP documents how incomplete streets are making it tough for older Americans to avoid paying the high price of gasoline.  Almost 40 percent of those polled say they don’t have adequate sidewalks in their neighborhood, 55 percent say … Continued

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Complete streets: Fighting the good fight

What are complete streets?To learn more, visit www.completestreets.org or check out this quick illustration from AARP on what a complete street might look like. What was simply a loose confederation a few years ago of bicycle, pedestrian, and safety advocates seemingly yelling into the wind has become an organized coalition making significant traction in policy … Continued

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Foundation funds ambitious initiative in southern Virginia

A local foundation has launched an audacious effort to make the southwest Virginia community of Martinsville/Henry County a paragon of walking, biking and healthful physical activity. The Harvest Foundation is investing $1.56 million over three years to transform the furniture-making town into “a place where bicycling and walking are deeply valued and integral features of vibrant and healthy life in the region…”

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