SGA Asks: Of the neighborhoods you’ve ever lived in or visited, which one is your favorite? Why?

Earlier this week Smart Growth America asked our readers: Of the neighborhoods you’ve ever lived in or visited, which one is your favorite? Why? We’re excited to share your responses. We’ll be asking a new question next week – be sure to follow us on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook to join the discussion!

So of the neighborhoods you’ve ever lived in or visited, which one is your favorite and why? Here are some responses from Twitter and Facebook:

Have an idea for a question to ask? Email info [at] smartgrowthamerica [dot] org.


Smart growth in demand: Google asks Mountain View, CA for mixed-use development

Technology megaplayer Google – known widely for attracting some of the most talented web developers in the world – is using its position as a large employer in a small city to encourage smart growth development.

In a letter to the City of Mountain View, CA, where the company has its headquarters, Google encouraged planners to pursue sustainable development strategies. Mountain View is currently working to update its strategy for development, and asked for public input on the decisions to be made.

In the letter Google VP David Radcliffe voiced the company’s support for “mixed-use development…along with the kind of land use development described in the Final Report by the Mountain View Environmental Sustainability Task Force.” The Task Force’s recommendations – which focus on strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – would improve the quality of life for Google’s 20,000 Mountain View employees, Radcliffe explained, as well as help the city fiscally and for the long-term. From the company’s letter:

We would encourage you to provide opportunities for the North Bayshore area to continue to be the center of sustainable development for Google’s HQ campus…[and] the model Silicon Valley community – leading the way with visionary development opportunities to create the most efficient, sustainable and fiscally supportive plan to the community of Mountain View and the North Bayshore area.


Cuts to local smart growth investments are penny-wise but pound-foolish

In a piece out today on, Ezra Klein highlights the fact that smart federal investments are a big part of solving country’s budget deficit. In particular, he highlights that there are some spending cuts that might save the country some money now, but ultimately cost us more in the long run. One example is cuts to inspection procedures, which can subsequently lead to costly recalls or contamination. Another is cuts to enforcement, including the type of enforcement meant to reduce waste within the budget. And thirdly, there’s deferred maintenance. As Klein explains:

In 2009, the Society of Civil Engineers gave America’s existing infrastructure a grade of D. They estimated that simply maintaining America’s existing stock would require up to $2.2 trillion in investment. But Republicans have been cool to Obama’s calls to increase infrastructure investment. Just “another tax-and-spend proposal,” Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) said when the initiative was announced. But a dollar in maintenance delayed — or cut — isn’t a dollar saved. It’s a dollar that needs to be spent later. And waiting can be costly. It’s cheaper to strengthen a bridge that’s standing than repair one that’s fallen down.

Smart Growth America’s February report Recent Lessons from the Stimulus advocates strongly for road repair and maintenance not only because it cuts future costs but because it also creates more jobs per dollar which helps the economy even more.

Cuts to several other federal programs proposed in this year’s budget are similarly short-sighted attempts to solve long-term problems. Notably, the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a successful collaboration between the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Transportation and Department of Housing and Urban Development, is being hit with several proposed cuts in this year’s budget despite the benefits this program brings to local communities. The Partnership helps community leaders get the most out of each federal or state dollar invested in their neighborhoods. By leveraging private sector investment, saving money in municipal budgets, helping families save on things like transportation and creating jobs, programs like the Partnership for Sustainable Communities make sure federal funds go far to rebuild our economy.

Investing wisely can help balance the federal budget AND create jobs in a time of economic hardship. Tell your Senators to preserve federal funding for local smart growth investments: click here to send a letter voicing your support.


SGA Asks: Of the neighborhoods you've ever lived in or visited, which one is your favorite? Why?

Smart Growth America is excited to continue into the second week of SGA Asks. Each week, we pose a question to our readers to encourage discussion about smart growth ideas in neighborhoods across America. You can engage in the dialogue by commenting on our Facebook page or through Twitter with @SmartGrowthUSA. If you’re not already a fan or a follower, be sure to sign up so you can participate.


A low-cost method for better transportation: lessons from Latin America's Bus Rapid Transit boom

The Brookings Institution hosted a panel discussion yesterday on the prospect of bus rapid transit (BRT) in the United States and what lessons can be learned from BRT systems currently in place in Latin America.

Unlike a typical bus route, BRT systems generally have exclusive lanes for buses, make limited stops and sell tickets at kiosks rather than on the bus. These strategies keep BRT buses efficient and fast, even in congested traffic. BRT systems provide travelers with the choice of a lower cost, reliable and fast bus service as an alternate to driving by car.

Darío Hidalgo, Director of Research and Practice at EMBARQ, spoke about the organization’s new report on BRT systems in Latin America and Asia. He highlighted the many benefits of BRT, noting that the systems are cost-effective, fast and efficient, move people quickly and more safely and can also alleviate traffic congestion. The concept is also well-suited for big cities and smaller towns alike. In Colombia, capital city Bogotá has an extensive BRT system called the TransMilenio, but the smaller city Pereira, with a population of about 700,000, also makes use of the concept. BRT’s success is so widespread that many cities in Latin America either have BRT systems already or are planning them in the near future.


SGA Asks: What makes your neighborhood great?

Mondays just got a little bit better. Starting this week, Smart Growth America will pose a question to our readers to encourage discussion about smart growth ideas in neighborhoods across America. You can engage in the dialogue by commenting on our Facebook page or through Twitter with @SmartGrowthUSA. If you’re not already a fan or a follower, be sure to sign up so you can participate.

Later in the week, we will compile your responses and post them to our blog – providing a diversity of thoughts and opinions on smart growth issues. We’re excited to hear your stories and share them with all of our readers!

This week’s inaugural question: What makes your neighborhood great?


An open letter in support of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities

Daniel Inouye, Chairman
U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations
United States Capitol, Room S-128
Washington, DC 20510
Thad Cochran, Vice Chairman
U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations
United States Capitol, Room S-206
Washington, DC 20510
Patty Murray, Chair
Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, Urban Development and Related Agencies
Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 133
Washington, DC 20510
Susan Collins, Ranking Member
Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation Housing, Urban Development and Related Agencies
Hart Senate Office Building, Room 123
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Appropriations Leaders:

Congress’ decisions about the federal budget can have immense implications for communities across America and their ability to rebuild local economies and improve fiscal stability. As you consider this year’s difficult budget decisions, we, the undersigned group of concerned organizations, urge you to support the federal programs that keep communities strong, healthy and economically vibrant.

Specifically, we urge you to support the Partnership for Sustainable Communities and related grant programs in the FY11 continuing resolution and the FY12 appropriations process.

The Partnership for Sustainable Communities helps community leaders get the most out of each federal or state dollar invested in their neighborhoods. These programs make federal investments go even further by helping local leaders leverage private sector investment, save money in municipal budgets and by helping families save on things like transportation – all while creating jobs. Our organizations strongly support these programs, including:

  • Continued funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Sustainable Communities Initiative, which provides Regional Planning Grants and Community Challenge Grants that help communities to leverage private sector investment, improve strategic growth, streamline regulatory barriers and make strategic investments with limited taxpayer dollars.
  • Continued funding for the Department of Transportation’s TIGER program in FY11, which strengthens the economy, creates jobs, reduces gridlock, and provides safe, low-cost transportation choices to our citizens.
  • The full commitment of obligated funds to grants received by more than 87 regions around the country under the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Sustainable Communities Initiative and the Department of Transportation’s TIGER program in FY09 and FY10.

We acknowledge that this year’s budget decisions are difficult ones and that Congress needs to cut wasteful spending, but the Partnership for Sustainable Communities helps the federal government work smarter. The Partnership is a vital opportunity to effectively coordinate and leverage federal programs for the greatest long-term benefit to our communities. Cutting these programs would be a short-sighted solution to the budget shortfall, and one which would stunt the economic growth of regions currently benefitting from the program.

We urge you to support the Partnership for Sustainable Communities in the FY11 continuing resolution and the FY12 appropriations process.


American Institute of Architects
American Planning Association
American Public Transportation Association
American Society of Landscape Architects
Apollo Alliance
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Audubon International
Center for Community Progress
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Center for Rural Strategies
CEOs for Cities
Coalition of Urban Serving Universities
Congress for the New Urbanism
Denver Housing Authority
Enterprise Community Partners
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Friends of the Earth
Good News Mountaineer Garage
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
International Downtown Association
League of Rural Voters
Local Government Commission
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
LOCUS: Responsible Real Estate Developers and Investors
Low Income Investment Fund
Mercy Housing
Metropolitan Planning Council
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
National Association of Local Government Environment Professionals
National Complete Streets Coalition
National Fair Housing Alliance
National Housing Conference
National Housing Trust
National Resources Defense Council
National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Wildlife Federation
OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon
Oregon Public Health Institute
Partnership for Working Families
Prevention Institute
Project for Public Spaces
Public Health Law & Policy
Quitman County Development Organization
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Reconnecting America
RiverStone Health
Safe States Alliance
Sierra Club
Smart Growth America
Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future
Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments
The Partnership for Working Families
TOD Associates
Transportation for America
U.S. Green Building Council
Upstream Public Health

United States Senate Committee on Appropriations
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Click here to download a copy of this letter (PDF)
