Kudos to LaHood and Support for a New Direction

Last Friday, the National Complete Streets Coalition joined our Coalition partners Transportation for America, America Bikes, and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, along with dozens of other advocates, to personally thank Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood for his support for all modes of transportation. We’re also excited by a more mundane document: the U.S. DOT draft Strategic Plan, which makes adoption of state and local Complete Streets policies one of the Department’s Performance Measures.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets Best Practices

A central strategy of the Complete Streets movement has been to learn from local success. We are proud to share a publication that takes this strategy to its highest level: Complete Streets: Best Policy and Implementation Practices, a joint project of the staff of the National Complete Streets Coalition and the American Planning Association.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets Week Illustrates Demand for Safe Streets for All

Today marks the launch of “Complete Streets Week” in New York State, a grassroots initiative drawing attention to the dangers of incomplete streets. Participants are part of a surge in support for transportation choices across America.

Complete Streets

New USDOT Policy Statement Endorses Complete Streets: On to Implementation

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood announced a sea change in federal transportation policy yesterday, issuing a new policy statement that calls for full inclusion of bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders of all ages and abilities in transportation projects – essentially, a Complete Streets policy.

Complete Streets