Person County, NC plans for residential and economic growth
Uptown Roxboro, NC. Picture via Roxboro Development Group.
Person County, NC’s community’s workshop goal: “To help local leaders and community members identify how Person County can manage growth and economic development in such a way that our strategies for these two issues complement one another and both contribute to the vision set forth for Person County in the Person Futures Strategic Plan.”
On December 2 and 3, representatives from Smart Growth America (SGA) met with county and municipal leaders and residents to provide assistance under the Planning for Fiscal and Economic Health tool, supported by a grant from the U.S. EPA’s Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities program.
Technical assistance BlogBuilding BlocksBuilding Blocks for Sustainable Communities GrantBuilding Blocks: Planning for Economic and Fiscal HealthEPAEPA TAEPA's Foundations for Smart Growth technical assistanceNorth CarolinaPerson CountyPlanning for Economic and Fiscal HealthSGA technical assistanceWorkshops