Webinar: How street design contributes to the pedestrian safety crisis

On Thursday, June 6 from 1-2:30 p.m., we’re hosting a webinar to dive into our upcoming report, Dangerous by Design 2024, which will be released May 30th. Register here. 7,522 people were struck and killed while walking in 2022. This crisis isn’t new—pedestrian fatalities are on a consistent upward trajectory and have increased by 75 … Continued

Complete Streets Transportation

Healing Our Highways Convening: Atlanta, GA

Healing Our Highways is a grant program led by Smart Growth America’s Arts and Culture team providing funding and technical assistance for arts and culture projects that confront the harms perpetuated through our transportation system on marginalized communities of color. On May 15, 2024, a cozy Filipino restaurant in a suburban Atlanta Asian shopping plaza was filled with energy, connection, and delicious food as the Healing Our Highways cohort of artists and cultural workers deliberated on strategies for community organizing, building power, and making change.

Advancing Racial Equity Arts and Culture Climate Change Technical assistance Transportation

Request for proposals: Web developer with data visualization experience

Smart Growth America (SGA) and Transportation for America (T4A) are seeking a web developer with significant data visualization experience to build a user-friendly data hub by updating the t4america.org website so that advocates can better understand how transportation funding is being allocated and spent. This developer may also be retained to facilitate site updates over … Continued


What’s Possible: Investing Now for Prosperous, Sustainable Neighborhoods

We’re excited to announce that our President and CEO, Calvin Gladney, has an essay featured in What’s Possible: Investing Now for Prosperous, Sustainable Neighborhoods. This book includes voices from climate, finance, and community leaders who offer actionable solutions that aim to support the transformation of our infrastructure and energy systems to build more resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities across America.

our staff

New anti-displacement fact sheets for communities undergoing brownfields redevelopment

In partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization, Smart Growth America (SGA) created a set of fact sheets that highlight strategies communities can use to help mitigate displacement in the contexts of brownfields redevelopment. SGA conducted interviews with community groups and municipal leaders from across the country to learn more about strategies to minimize residential and business displacement as well as implementation practices.

Land Use and Development

From Policy to Practice: A Guide to Measuring Complete Streets Progress

How do you know if a community is benefiting from passing and implementing a Complete Streets policy? Our new guide offers strategies for effectively measuring the impact of Complete Streets. Download the full report (pdf) What happens after your community passes a Complete Streets policy? How do you know if you are achieving your community’s … Continued

Complete Streets

Safer Speeds are the Secret Sauce to the Safe System Approach

After a decade of increased pedestrian and bicyclist deaths and a historic spike during the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) published its first-ever National Roadway Safety Strategy in 2022 – setting a goal of zero traffic deaths and adopting a Safe System Approach to achieve it. In explaining the Safe System … Continued

Complete Streets