Development-oriented transit: How value-capture launched DC’s newest neighborhood


The 2013 LOCUS Leadership Summit was held on June 3-5, 2013 in Washington, D.C. A walking tour of NoMa was one of the many items in this year’s agenda.

At certain times of day, competition for an available bicycle can be fierce at the Capital Bikeshare station on the corner of 1st and M Street NE in Washington, D.C. That intersection serves as the unofficial crossroads for the city’s newest and fastest growing neighborhood, NoMa (short for “North of Massachusetts Avenue”), where a building boom is in full swing. On a typical weeknight, the sidewalks of NoMa brim with young professionals, who stop in at the new Harris Teeter grocery store or CVS pharmacy before heading to one of the nearby apartment buildings or the local Metro station. High above, the numerous construction cranes dotting the neighborhood serve as reminder that the frenetic pace of growth in the area shows no signs of slowing.


Final agenda released — Last chance to register for LOCUS Leadership Summit


In less than a week, leading smart growth developers and investors from across the country will gather in Washington DC for the second annual LOCUS Leadership Summit. With the Summit fast approaching, now is the last chance to join these leaders, as well as exciting speakers like Slate columnist Matthew Yglesias, Congressman Earl Blumenauer and USDOT Deputy Secretary John Porcari, by registering for this one of a kind event!


Senator Mary Landrieu and LOCUS developer Pres Kabacoff to be honored with 2013 LOCUS Leadership Awards

Mary Landrieu and Pres Kabacoff
From left: Senator Mary Landrieu with LOCUS Fellow Walker Toma, Smart Growth America Chief of Staff Ilana Preuss and Pres Kabacoff at a meeting on Capitol Hill in 2011. Landrieu and Kabacoff will be honored with this year’s LOCUS Leadership Awards.

Louisiana will take center stage next week in Washington as LOCUS honors two smart growth champions from the Bayou State at its upcoming Congressional Reception.

As part of the second annual LOCUS Leadership Summit, the 2013 Leadership Award will be presented to Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu and Pres Kabacoff, CEO of New Orleans-based developer HRI Properties, for their work to promote smart, sustainable development in Louisiana and across the country.


Registration is now open for the 2013 LOCUS Leadership Summit

2013 LOCUS Leadership Sumit

Real estate developers, investors and professionals are invited to attend the 2013 LOCUS Leadership Summit, taking place on June 4 and 5, 2013 in Washington, DC.

This year’s Summit, titled “Bringing the Market to the Hill: Realigning the Federal Role in Real Estate,” will convene real estate professionals from across the country to connect with members of Congress and discuss how federal policies and investments can support more walkable, sustainable developments and lead to a growing economy.

Participants will hear from industry leaders and chief policymakers on a variety of topics including programs such as the New Markets Tax Credit and TIFIA, best practices for developing smart growth, and the role of policy reform in sustainable development.


(Webinar) Financing Transit-Oriented Development: How to use the TIFIA program to finance TOD infrastructure projects

Thank you to everyone who joined LOCUS: Responsible Real Estate Developers and Investors yesterday for an online presentation about using the recently modified federal loan program, Transportation Innovative Financing Infrastructure Act (TIFIA) to finance TOD projects. Presenters: Duane Callender, Director of the TIFIA Office at the USDOT Kevin DeGood, Deputy Director of Policy, Transportation for … Continued


Announcing Executive Education Course on Walkable Urban Places

For more than 50 years, the dominant development model in the United States has been the familiar ‘driveable suburban’ approach. Today however, a structural shift is underway in the real estate market as demand increases for walkable urban development – and the DC region is leading the way.

Now, LOCUS, in collaboration with the George Washington University School of Business and ULI Washington, is proud to announce a five-day executive education course this summer aimed at providing real estate professionals the tools they need to take advantage of this of this market transformation. The course, which will be held from June 10th to 14th in Washington DC, features an impressive line up of developers, elected officials, place managers and others at the forefront of transforming Washington D.C. into the nation’s leading market for walkable urban development.


DC area's neighborhoods are becoming more walkable – even in the suburbs

Chris Leinberger at CNU DC’s Live.Work.Walk event.

Urban dwellers and apartment hunters everywhere are familiar with the term “walk up,” frequently used to describe an apartment building lacking an elevator. But at a recent event hosted by the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU) in Washington, D.C., attendees learned about a different type of WalkUP – the “walkable urban place.”

Chris Leinberger, President of Smart Growth America’s LOCUS, was a keynote presenter at Live.Work.Walk. D.C.’s Future Growth, presented by the Washington, D.C. chapter of CNU on March 11. In his presentation, which opened the full-day educational event, Leinberger gave an overview of “The WalkUP Wake Up Call,” a report which emphasizes the economic potential of walkable, urban places in greater Washington, D.C. and how the region can serve as a model for the country for future real estate development.