Past recipients

2014 Meea Kang, Domus Development, LLC LOCUS is proud to recognize Meea Kang, president and co-founder of Domus Development, LLC, as the 2014 LOCUS Leadership Award Recipient. Since its founding, Domus Development has become the go-to company for local communities in California to find solutions to problems no other developer could solve. In addition to Meea Kang’s … Continued

Eligibility, Criteria, and Award Categories

Eligibility Nominees must: Be the owner or principal of a private for-profit company; Have a history of development near major urban centers of employment, public transit and/or transportation hubs; Conduct his or her business in a way that exemplifies the LOCUS mission. Criteria Recipients are determined by a five-member selection committee of industry peers that uses … Continued

Steering Committee

The LOCUS Steering Committee guides strategic decision-making for LOCUS. This group of leading smart growth-oriented developers is responsible for prominent mixed-use, mixed-income, transit-oriented developments across the U.S. Guided by LOCUS’ vision for equitable, walkable communities, the Steering Committee informs LOCUS’ advocacy platform and is an expert advisory group to Smart Growth America. Steering Committee members … Continued

Complete Streets policies

Complete Streets are most often achieved by passing binding ordinances, laws, and resolutions, and then putting those into practice. Whatever form they take, all should include the 10 elements of a Complete Streets policy. Complete Streets policies Across the country and on Capitol Hill, Complete Streets policies have been gaining traction as more places realize … Continued

Our Partners / Join

Our Steering Committee The Coalition’s steering committee is made up of our Complete Streets Benefactors and Platinum Partners. Complete Streets Benefactors Platinum partners   Silver Partners Bronze Partners Individual partners Billy Hattaway / Fehr and Peers Abraham Odrezin/AO Studio Charles Brown, on behalf of Rutgers University Emiko Atherton Roger Millar Randy Neufeld    

Leadership Award

The LOCUS Leadership Awards recognize real estate developers or investors who have demonstrated exemplary commitment to public leadership and development for walkable, sustainable development. The Leadership Awards are an excellent opportunity to showcase and reward a game-changing developer who is influencing the future of real estate. LOCUS awards recipients at both our National and Regional … Continued

Vermont (2013)

At the request of Vermont Secretary of Transportation Brian Searles, Smart Growth America worked with VTrans staff and a statewide stakeholder group to conduct a review of VTrans policies and programs to identify strategies for strengthening Vermont’s economy through better alignment between transportation investments and the state’s smart growth law. Download the full report: Strengthening Vermont’s … Continued

Tennessee (2012)

In 2012, the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) found itself with a capital plan that cost nine times more than anticipated revenue. Smart Growth America worked with TDOT to evaluate the agency’s project development processes and establish an audit strategy to right size planned projects to achieve desired outcomes at significantly lower cost. The result … Continued

Oregon (2012)

The State of Oregon constitutionally restricts state gas tax and vehicle registration fee revenues to roadways, and as a result the state faces major challenges funding other transportation modes. In partnership with Governor John Kitzhaber and Oregon DOT Director Matthew Garrett, Smart Growth America convened a working group of more than 50 stakeholders to identify … Continued

Minnesota (2014)

Minnesota’s state highway system currently operates at a high level, meeting many of the performance goals established for the system. Over the next 20 years, however, the highway system is expected to experience a steady decline in performance, as projected state transportation revenues are unable to keep pace with the needs created by Minnesota’s growing … Continued