How pedestrian crash data needs to change

We’ve always said that “you measure what you treasure” and the limited, incomplete data about the deaths of people walking suggest that it’s simply not a crisis that our nation cares about. But that doesn’t need to be the end of the story. Here are some specific recommendations to bring things out of the dark ages and into the modern age, while making it clear that reducing these deaths is a top priority for transportation agencies at all levels.

Complete Streets Transportation

DOT Coordination Case Study: Kalamazoo and Michigan

Kalamazoo, Michigan, is dealing with a problem seen in a number of cities across the US: a state highway running through the downtown as a “couplet,” two parallel one-way streets. These two wide and fast state-owned routes cut through a downtown neighborhood full of parks, restaurants, and museums near Western Michigan University. Six lanes with … Continued

Complete Streets Transportation

Champion Spotlight: Fort Smith, AR

This case study was written as part of our Dangerous by Design Technical Assistance program. This initiative brought together champions from across the country to advance street safety efforts through data collection and storytelling. This study was written by Reese Brewer, Director of the Frontier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).  26 people died while walking in the Fort … Continued

Complete Streets Transportation