Join the call to Rethink Real Estate

Earlier today, we released a new report about the federal government’s involvement in real estate. This spending represents billions of dollars of taxpayer dollars, and impacts Americans on every street in every town and city across the country.

We’re calling for action, and we want you to join us. Add your name to the petition asking Congress to examine this spending and better coordinate federal programs.

We know what programs this funding goes to, but how does it impact American families? Is it supporting U.S. communities? And are taxpayers getting the best return on their investment? All of these questions should be answered.

As the 113th Congress begins its new work, with the Presidential Inauguration just two weeks away, and as budget concerns continue to be a focus of debate in Washington, now is a unique opportunity to examine this spending.

Ask Congress to examine federal real estate spending. Take a moment to add your name to the national petition, and share it on Facebook or on Twitter with the hashtag #RethinkRealEstate.

Federal investments could help American communities grow stronger and more vibrant — in addition to achieving their goals of homeownership and housing security. Call on Congress to examine these programs today.


How do federal investments affect real estate? An upcoming report takes a hard look.

Federal financing and spending on real estate impacts millions of Americans on every street, in every neighborhood, town and rural community. From loan guarantees to commercial tax credits, these programs help those most in need pay their rent, help families purchase their first home, and provide financing for commercial development. The federal government impacts where and how homes and even whole neighborhoods are built.

What types of development do these programs support? How do they impact American homeowners and renters? And could these investments be getting a better return for taxpayers?

Tomorrow Smart Growth America will release a new report examining this spending and how it might better achieve its purposes. Federal Involvement in Real Estate: A Call for Examination is a first-of-its-kind report analyzing the U.S. government’s surprisingly large stake in the real estate sector.

Look for the new report tomorrow at, or join our mailing list to get a copy emailed straight to your inbox.


Smart Growth America's Top 12 of 2012: Building a movement

We’re doing a special blog series this month highlighting some of Smart Growth America’s favorite accomplishments from 2012. This is the last in our series of twelve. Check out the full list.

Perhaps our most important achievement from 2012 has been working with you! Our advocates, supporters, donors, fans and followers are what make our work possible. We are grateful for your support and excited to work alongside you. Thank you!


Brownfields grants double their benefit with new health center trend

An architect’s rendering of the future Spectrum Health Services building. Image via Spectrum Health Services.

Cleaning up contaminated land – known to environmental regulators as “brownfields” – has a long list of health benefits as a result of cleaner air, water and soil. Now, a cleaned up brownfield site might fix your sprained ankle, too.


Small places with big goals win national awards for smart growth achievement

Geoff Anderson, President and CEO of Smart Growth America (left) with representatives from seven communities honored with the 2012 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement.

On Wednesday evening in a hearing room on Capitol Hill, the winners of this year’s National Award for Smart Growth Achievement gathered to discuss how their projects are helping their communities become better places to live and work.

The awards this year went to projects that have improved streets, redeveloped historic buildings, built new homes and stores in the heart of downtown, created better transportation choices and more. And though the projects are all very different from one another, none would have been possible without community support and collaboration.

“That’s the word of the day, partnerships,” said Kenneth Chandler, former City Manager of the City of Portsmouth, VA. Portsmouth’s comprehensive overhaul of the city’s development and land use regulations won it the Programs and Policies award. Portsmouth’s new codes are already creating a more livable and pedestrian-friendly city with opportunities for economic development and reinvestment.


HUD's Sustainable Communities grants are helping communities – and getting an impressive return on investment

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities (OSHC) has already helped hundreds of towns and cities across the country become economically stronger, environmentally sustainable, and more inclusive through its workshops, technical resources and grant programs. As a new report explains, these programs are also making the most of federal investments.

OSHC’s 2011 accomplishments update explains that the Office’s 152 grants in 48 states, totaling $240 million, generated almost $253 million in private investments and commitments from local partners. The Sustainable Communities grants, one of the major grant programs administered by the Office, generated $115 million in matching and in-kind contributions – more than 120% of the original $95.8 million invested.

The Office’s accomplishments report is a compendium of some of the most interesting smart growth projects in the works today.


The seven most innovative development projects – and policies – in the country

The BLVD in Lancaster, California is one of seven communities being honored this year by the EPA. Photo by Charlie Essers via Flickr.

What do a boulevard in California, a Denver neighborhood, new zoning ordinances in Virginia and an organic food co-op in Vermont all have in common?

They are all being honored with the 2012 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Office of Sustainable Communities. The seven winning communities – including four winners and three honorable mentions – were announced this morning.


Support America's neighborhoods this #GivingTuesday

If you’ve ever walked to the store, you know the benefit of smart growth strategies. If you’ve ever taken your son or daughter to the neighborhood park, you know the benefits of smart growth strategies. If you’ve shopped on Main Street, taken transit to work, ridden in a bicycle lane or used a crosswalk, you know the benefits of smart growth strategies.

We need your support to continue making these places a reality. Smart Growth America works every day to create great places and strong local economies. With your help we can build on the incredible successes of 2012 and make cities, towns and neighborhoods across the country even better in 2013.

Donating today, in particular, is important. Today is Giving Tuesday – a national day of giving at the start of the holiday season. Donate today and join thousands of people demonstrating their support for the issues they care about most.

Help us build places where families and businesses can thrive: donate to Smart Growth America today.

Thank you.


Smart Growth America staff, partners, developers, local leaders and allies discuss implementing transit in Middle Tennessee

From right: Smart Growth America’s Geoff Anderson with Ken Rose, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Mitchell Silver, American Planning Association; and Arthur Guzzetti, American Public Transportation Association. Photo courtesy of the Nashville Area MPO.  

In 2010 Middle Tennessee’s mayors agreed on a milestone, ten-county vision for transit. Last month, leaders in the region met to talk about how to make those plans a reality.

More than 250 political leaders, transportation and land use planners, transit agency partners, developers, architects, engineers, academics, and non-profit advocates came together on October 25 and 26, 2012 in downtown Nashville to discuss the first steps of implementing the region’s innovative transit plan. The event was organized by the Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Transit Alliance of Middle Tennessee, and sponsored by Transportation for America, a joint project of Smart Growth America and Reconnecting America.