2025 Complete Streets Leadership Academy launches in Kentucky this spring

The Complete Streets Leadership Academy is coming to Kentucky. This foundational program helps train local agencies and state Departments of Transportation to collaborate, innovate, and commit to making changes together to address road safety and create activity-friendly communities. Building on Kentucky’s ongoing Complete Streets work, the Academy will support road safety improvements through quick-build demonstration … Continued

Complete Streets Technical assistance

Expanding resilient and affordable housing with the Smart Growth Network

On December 7, the Smart Growth Network gathered at the offices of the National Association of REALTORS® to discuss one of the most pressing issues today: the shortage of housing across the country. At December’s quarterly meeting, the Network brought together experts to discuss how communities can expand the availability of high-quality, resilient, and affordable … Continued

Land Use and Development

Making Maryland Safer: Protecting all road users with Complete Streets

Smart Growth America (SGA), through its Complete Streets Leadership Academy, worked with Maryland’s Department of Transportation (MDOT) and State Highway Administration (SHA) to pilot quick-build demonstration projects on state-owned routes in Bel Air, Hagerstown, and Howard County. These three communities were asked to plan, design, and install quick-build projects at specific locations to improve safety … Continued

Complete Streets Technical assistance

DOT Coordination Case Study: Kalamazoo and Michigan

Kalamazoo, Michigan, is dealing with a problem seen in a number of cities across the US: a state highway running through the downtown as a “couplet,” two parallel one-way streets. These two wide and fast state-owned routes cut through a downtown neighborhood full of parks, restaurants, and museums near Western Michigan University. Six lanes with … Continued

Complete Streets Transportation

Charting a path for Complete Streets in Alaska

Smart Growth America is working with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (AKDOT&PF) to bring the Complete Streets approach to the 49th state. I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Alaska in my first month on the Thriving Communities team, where I joined colleagues and collaborators to participate in several events aimed … Continued

Complete Streets