Guest Post: Who loves abandoned Wal-Marts and K-Marts?

rock bottom rollback, originally uploaded by sssteve.o. Doug Simpson shares one education company’s exciting efforts — presented last Friday at the Louisiana Smart Growth Summit — to breathe new life into abandoned big box retailers. AUGUST 20, 2010 – An Alabama-based adult education company seeks out vacant “big box” retail sites and shopping malls to … Continued


Guest Post: DOT likely to continue funding for rail expansion, Osborne says

Capitol Grocery, originally uploaded by de*. Doug Simpson provides us the following update from the 2010 Louisiana Smart Growth Summit, underway now in Baton Rouge: AUGUST 19, 2010 – The federal government is expected to continue providing funding for cities to expand passenger rail service because public transport can drive down travel costs for residents, … Continued


We're Hiring!

This is an exciting time for the Complete Streets movement. The National Complete Streets Coalition is seizing the moment to make Complete Streets a reality nationwide and looking for two new staff members to help.

Complete Streets

Housing bill links preservation to location

Affordable Senior Housing, originally uploaded by faceless b. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about the combined burden of housing and transportation on low-income families. Many household budgets are being squeezed and people from every income level are looking to decrease their costs. A number of new studies have shown that neighborhoods that … Continued


A step forward for smart growth: Senate advances Livable Communities Act

Downtown intersection, originally uploaded by Complete Streets. Building local capacity to plan for growth and development in ways that cut traffic congestion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect rural areas and green space, revitalize urban centers, and create more affordable homes just makes sense. Today, the Senate moved forward a bill that would provide federal resources … Continued
