Atlanta's smart growth scorecard

Anyone who has attempted to measure the merits of proposed development in their area knows of the difficulties in attaching quantitative values to a proposal. Community opposition or support to a project, based on nothing but emotion or feelings about what may result from that new development, isn’t always productive in achieving desired outcomes. And … Continued


Do The Test

You may have seen this video flowing through the interwebs over the last week, but it is not to be missed. I’d say more, but I don’t want to give anything away. Watch immediately and pass it along.


Thoughts on the Post's toll roads and congestion pricing article

Expectedly, there was plenty of interesting commentary on yesterday’s feature in the Washington Post on political appointee Tyler Duvall and the Department of Transportation’s attempts to steer America towards the privatization of transportation infrastructure. Ryan Avent sees a problem, perceiving that the issue is painted as a decision between roadway pricing OR transit. (It’s worth … Continued


Help Dan save traffic.

Dan loves traffic. “It’s about the journey, and this way, the journey takes forever,” he says. “In 2009, Congress will decide whether to continue to spend billions on highways and roads to generate more traffic. Or whether they’re going more money on trains and buses — that suck the lifebblood right out of traffic. Help … Continued


Who will cast a vision for our "metro nation?"

“Despite occupying just 12 percent of U.S. land mass, the nation’s 100 largest metro areas account for 65 percent of its people and 75 percent of its economic output. They hold the keys to America’s future prosperity…” As a nation where economic success or failure hinges firmly on the backs of our largest metropolitan areas, … Continued
