The Governor's travels: Hagerstown a shining example of smart growth

When speaking about the Maryland smart growth program that he helped create more than 10 years ago, former Governor Parris Glendening is fond of telling the story of how the state’s decision to locate a University of Maryland campus in downtown Hagerstown sparked revitalization of the traditional town center. Just a couple of weeks ago, … Continued


Climate impact considered in Maine megaproject

When a timber company proposed a new development on a lake in central Maine that would clear 14,000 acres of forest to build roughly 2,300 homes, forward-looking leaders in Maine questioned the wisdom of a mega-project on pristine wilderness so far from existing infrastructure. Considering the fact that satisfying the growing demand for homes in … Continued


National Commission Report Shows Federal Transportation Program is Broke — and Broken

Joint statement by the Smart Growth America, Reconnecting America and the Surface Transportation Policy Partnership to the report of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission. For Immediate Release: Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008 Contact: David Goldberg, 202-412-7930 WASHINGTON, DC – The National Surface Transportation Study Commission has provided an invaluable service in marshalling … Continued
