Complete Streets lessons in Central Florida can apply to any community

Ever since the first edition of Dangerous by Design came out in 2009, Florida has had the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of people being struck and killed by cars while walking of any state in the nation.

In light of that problem, municipalities and public agencies across Florida have been working to make streets safer. Now, communities in Central Florida specifically are coming together to make progress on those goals.

Over the past nine months, Smart Growth America, in partnership with the Winter Park Health Foundation, has worked with municipalities and agencies in Central Florida on a series of workshops to implement Complete Streets—streets that are safe and comfortable for everyone, no matter their age, ability, race, income, or how they chose to travel. Changing the way streets are designed, particularly in places with chronic collisions like Florida, is one of the most important steps public agencies can take to prevent people from being struck and killed while walking.

Complete Streets DOT Innovation

Complete Streets in Central Florida

The Winter Park Health Foundation engaged Smart Growth America to help the Central Florida region identify and address specific barriers hindering local decision-makers’ ability to build Complete Streets: roadways that are safe and comfortable for all users – people walking, bicycling, and taking transit, people driving and truck drivers making deliveries. This project includes representation … Continued

Complete Streets DOT Innovation

Complete Streets Steering Committee spotlight: Voices for Healthy Kids

The National Complete Streets Coalition is just that—a coalition—and our success is made possible by our many partner organizations. Voices for Healthy Kids is the newest member of our Steering Committee and we’re proud to welcome them. We sat down with Stephanie Vaughn, Marketing Manager at Voices for Healthy Kids, to learn more about their work and what drives their commitment to Complete Streets.

Complete Streets

Five things we learned at South Florida’s Safe Streets Summit

Last month, the National Complete Streets Coalition joined the South Florida Safe Streets Summit, an annual conference co-hosted by the metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) of Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade counties. The day was jam-packed with informative and inspirational presentations by local elected officials, planners, authors, professors, and transportation advocates, and Emiko Atherton, Director of the National Complete Streets Coalition, delivered the keynote address. Here are five things we learned during the event.

Complete Streets

Welcome to USDOT, Secretary Chao

Yesterday, the Senate voted to confirm Elaine Chao as the next Secretary of Transportation.

To Secretary Chao we say congratulations. America’s transportation system is a key part of our economy and our communities, and in your new position you have a unique and valuable opportunity to improve this country.

Chao already has experience running a federal agency, and has made clear that safety will be a priority for her time as transportation secretary. We think that’s fantastic—especially if she means making streets safer for people walking and biking.

Advocacy Complete Streets

Introducing “Implementation & Equity 201,” a new webinar series all about creating Complete Streets

The National Complete Streets Coalition is excited to announce a brand new monthly webinar series, designed to help professionals from a variety of disciplines put Complete Streets principles into action. Implementation & Equity 201: The Path Forward to Complete Streets will explore a new issue each month related to creating safer, healthier, more equitable streets.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets News — January 2017


Thanks for joining us at our Complete Streets Dinner — The National Complete Streets Coalition hosted our Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner last Tuesday evening, January 10, 2017. More than 60 advocates, supporters, partners, and friends gathered in Washington, DC to mingle, share ideas, and commemorate an eventful year for the Coalition. Guests took advantage of the opportunity to network and exchange ideas before sharing a family-style dinner, featuring guest speaker Polly Trottenberg, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation.

Introducing “Dangerous by Design” — Between 2005 and 2014, a total of 46,149 people were struck and killed by cars while walking. That averages out to about 13 people per day. Dangerous by Design 2016 takes a closer look at the alarming epidemic of pedestrian deaths. The fourth edition of this report, out last week, once again ranks the most dangerous places for people walking by a “Pedestrian Danger Index,” or PDI. It also explores who is most at risk of being struck and killed by a car while walking, including data that looks at pedestrians by age, race, ethnicity, and income. Missed the report release webinar? View the recording here.

Complete Streets

A look back at the Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner

Left: Commissioner Polly Trottenberg delivering her remarks. Right: Trottenberg speaking with Governor Parris Glendening.

The National Complete Streets Coalition hosted our Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner last Tuesday evening, January 10, 2017. More than 60 advocates, supporters, partners, and friends gathered in Washington, DC to mingle, share ideas, and commemorate an eventful year for the Coalition.

Geoff Anderson, president and CEO of Smart Growth America, delivered a brief address welcoming guests to the dinner before passing the microphone to Art Guzzetti, vice president of policy at the American Public Transportation Association and a member of the Coalition’s Steering Committee, who introduced the Coalition’s partners and sponsors. Coalition director Emiko Atherton recounted our accomplishments over the past year, including surpassing 1,000 Complete Streets policies nationwide and introducing a new strategic plan focused on implementation and equity.

Complete Streets

Video: What new Complete Streets projects can bring to Atlanta

Atlanta voters recently passed several ballot measures that will fund Complete Streets projects in the city. What can residents expect to get out of these new projects?

A new video from the Fulton County Partnerships to Improve Community Health (PICH) in collaboration with the Atlanta Regional Commission and the City of Atlanta details what a Complete Streets approach is all about, and the ways it can make streets safer, healthier, and more convenient for people of all ages and abilities, no matter how they travel in Atlanta.

Complete Streets