Connecting innovation with initiative in Twin Falls, ID

With the recent release of Made in Place: Small-Scale Manufacturing & Neighborhood Revitalization, we’re spotlighting a few standout examples of cities that have fostered a small-scale manufacturing sector to revitalize their local economy. Twin Falls, Idaho has seen a steady increase in small businesses locating in and around its downtown.

Economic development

Amazing Place Ideas Forum: Gearing up for Greenville, SC

With part one of the forum in Denver, CO now in the rearview, Smart Growth America is getting ready for the second round of the Amazing Place Ideas Forum, happening November 14-16 with generous support from the Knight Foundation. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the sites and attractions we’ll tour in our host city, Greenville, SC. Read about the city’s 40-year effort to create one of America’s most beautiful main streets through historic preservation, brownfield redevelopment, and riverfront investment. The participating Amazing Place cities also weighed in with what they most look forward to learning about in the southern city, and the lessons they hope to bring back to their hometowns. 

Economic development

Introducing Made in Place: Small-Scale Manufacturing and Neighborhood Revitalization

A new report from Smart Growth America and Recast City illustrates how encouraging more small-scale manufacturing in downtowns and neighborhood centers can help create a more resilient and inclusive small business environment, increase the accessibility of the local job market, and create a foothold for future growth.

Economic development

Made in Place: Small-Scale Manufacturing & Neighborhood Revitalization

Technological and economic changes have created new opportunities in small-scale manufacturing and the “maker” economy, which present a chance for communities to make progress on several important economic development issues. Small-scale manufacturing can grow local entrepreneurship and small business, develop or enhance new and existing economic sectors, and revitalize downtowns and business districts. Using tools … Continued

Economic development

How communities are using small-scale manufacturing to build great places: Lowell, MA

With the upcoming release of our new white paper on this topic on November 7, we are spotlighting a few of the standout examples of cities that have fostered a small-scale manufacturing sector through strategic land use decisions. This series will highlight the merits of small-scale manufacturing and how it’s contributing to the character, appeal, and success of smart downtowns in Lowell, MA; Twin Falls, ID; and Knoxville, TN.

Economic development

Coming soon: a new report on small-scale manufacturing and neighborhood revitalization

Distilleries, jewelry makers, and 3D printers — what do they all have in common? Each is part of the emerging, national movement of small-scale manufacturing, and can contribute meaningfully to a community’s downtown economy. Made in Place: Small-Scale Manufacturing & Neighborhood Revitalization, a forthcoming report from Smart Growth America in partnership with Recast City, will explore this innovative industry and showcase best practices for downtown revitalization.

Economic development

Amazing Place communities find inspiration in the Mile High city

A few weeks ago, SGA brought leadership teams representing five cities to Denver to see firsthand how investing in a unique sense of place and vibrant, walkable neighborhoods is at the heart of a new economic development strategy — helping to attract new residents and jobs, support existing businesses, and benefit everyone’s quality of life.

Economic development

Catch up on the conversations from #AmazingPlaceForum

Explore our Twitter recap to relive all the great moments and conversations from the Amazing Place Ideas Forum. 

On August 29-31, 2017, five cities from around the country gathered in Denver, Colorado to see innovative placemaking strategies in action. The Amazing Place Ideas Forum, presented by Smart Growth America with support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, brought a brain trust of local leaders together to participate in an interactive and experiential learning opportunity.

Economic development Uncategorized

Amazon’s hunt for a second HQ is likely to end in a vibrant, walkable, urban place

Amazon dropped a bombshell earlier this week when they announced that they’re going to expand from Seattle by building a brand new second headquarters in another city. Based on their RFP, regardless of where they land, it’s another example of how companies are increasingly seeking out vibrant, walkable, connected urban places as they try to attract and retain talent.

Economic development

Kicking off the Amazing Place Ideas Forum in Denver this week

Vibrant, walkable neighborhoods can help attract new residents and jobs, support existing businesses, and benefit everyone’s quality of life. Smart Growth America’s 2016 report Amazing Place examined six cities — including Denver —that are using this approach. This week, leadership teams from five other cities are gathered in Denver to see how these strategies have been implemented and … Continued

Economic development