New paper: Unlocking the potential of public lands in Richmond, Virginia

Innovative research from Smart Growth America and the Lincoln Institute reveals the potential for public lands to transform the financial health of urban municipalities. Using Richmond, Virginia, as a case study, the findings outline a clear plan for developing public lands to harness their potential for the greater good. Read our two-page summary Public lands … Continued

Economic development Land Use and Development

Smart growth: Try that in a small town

One major misconception we encounter in our work is that smart growth principles like Complete Streets, public transit, and mixed-use development are just for big cities and don’t apply to small towns. But over the years, we’ve seen countless examples of rural places that used these strategies to great benefit. I recently traveled to such a place–Brattleboro, Vermont.

Land Use and Development Rural Development Transportation

The Center of Excellence: Advancing smart growth through transportation & land use

Land use and transportation are inherently intertwined. For example, even a strong network of bike lanes or sidewalks will not be used if people have to travel long distances to get from one destination to another. Although land use and transportation should be considered an inseparable pair, we often find that many people have difficulty connecting them.

Land Use and Development Technical assistance Transportation

Five key smart growth points from a new report on transit station area development

In urban planning and development, transit station areas are the unsung heroes shaping our cities. By examining the period from the Great Recession of 2007-2009 through the global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2023, a recent report offers invaluable insights on how transit-oriented development can transform our urban landscapes.

Economic development Land Use and Development Transportation

Introducing the new LOCUS Programmatic Priorities

LOCUS, SGA’s coalition of triple-bottom-line real estate developers and investors, is proud to announce three new priorities. Created in partnership with the LOCUS steering committee, these new priorities will guide the future of LOCUS’s advocacy efforts. LOCUS is a long-time leader in advocacy efforts to advance transit-oriented development and leveraging infrastructure investment to support housing … Continued

Land Use and Development LOCUS

How to beat the heat: A built environment approach

Co-authored by Joseph Mendonca Millions of people across the U.S. now experience extreme heat every year—facing threats to their health, well-being, and financial security. As climate change is only making extreme heat even worse, inaction cannot be an option and communities must work together to mitigate its effects. Through strategic land use and by using … Continued

Climate Change Land Use and Development Resilience

TIFIA’s first transit-oriented development loan approval

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is an important priority of LOCUS to advance sustainable, equitable, walkable development in America’s metropolitan areas. To meet that goal, LOCUS has long advocated for TIFIA, an important tool to advance TOD, helping to secure a win through the passage of the FAST Act in 2015. Recently, the first loan was approved … Continued

Land Use and Development LOCUS