Strategies to Minimize Displacement: Community Land Trust

Introduction Brownfields—or properties with environmental contamination or potentially contaminated land—are disproportionately located in or near communities of color and low-income communities. Residents near these properties may face heightened health hazards and economic disinvestment until the site undergoes assessment and cleanup, which can be a costly and lengthy process. Safely reusing a brownfield site is an … Continued

Land Use and Development

Strategies to Minimize Displacement: Community Benefits Agreements

Introduction Brownfields—or properties with environmental contamination or potentially contaminated land—are disproportionately located in or near communities of color and low-income communities. Residents near these properties may face heightened health hazards and economic disinvestment until the site undergoes assessment and cleanup, which can be a costly and lengthy process. Safely reusing a brownfield site is an … Continued

Land Use and Development

Anti-displacement fact sheets for communities undergoing brownfields redevelopment

In partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization, Smart Growth America (SGA) created a set of fact sheets that highlight strategies communities can use to help mitigate displacement in the contexts of brownfields redevelopment. SGA conducted interviews with community groups and municipal leaders from across the country to learn … Continued

Land Use and Development

Aligned for Affordability: A Roadmap for Local Government Policy and Practice in Northwest Arkansas

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the last two decades, land values and construction costs in Northwest Arkansas have risen steadily, particularly in the four largest cities of Bentonville, Fayetteville, Rogers, and Springdale. Currently, Northwest Arkansas’ population is growing by about 30 people daily. The Northwest Arkansas metropolitan area population is projected to reach 1 million—or nearly double—by … Continued

Land Use and Development

Arlington and Missing Middle Housing: Hear from Key Pro-Housing Parties

Zoning is having a moment, and Arlington County joined the party. In response to a severe housing shortage,  pro-housing coalitions across the country are coming together to change zoning laws to allow a diversity of housing options. Last month, Arlington County approved Missing Middle Housing thanks to advocacy from a coalition of pro-housing folks including … Continued

Land Use and Development

How a new federal spending plan can further smart growth solutions

Biden’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 is now in congressional hands, where it’ll likely change substantially before returning to the president’s desk. Congress’s decisions will inform how dollars are spent on key housing, community development, and transportation projects. How do these investments move smart growth goals forward (or leave them behind)? Housing and community … Continued

Advocacy Land Use and Development Transportation

Call for Community Partners: Free Climate & Land Use Technical Assistance

Smart Growth America is offering free Technical Assistance (TA) to support at least three community-based organizations across the U.S. to address climate and land use housing topics. SGA can help support community partners to effectively advocate for housing, zoning and planning policies, and infrastructure that are more prepared for the impacts of climate change such … Continued

Climate Change Land Use and Development Technical assistance

New Report: Foot Traffic Ahead 2023

SGA’s new report, Foot Traffic Ahead, finds that walkable urban areas in U.S. grew despite disruptions from the pandemic. The report also ranks the top 35 US metropolitan areas on their walkable urbanism, demonstrating continued market demand and consumer preference for walkable urban places and provides policymakers with recommendations on how to increase both the … Continued

Land Use and Development LOCUS