Celebrating progress: A closer look at our Community Connectors program

Over the past year, our Community Connectors program has helped 15 teams from small and mid-sized cities advance locally driven projects to reconnect their communities that have been divided or harmed by transportation infrastructure. Our new video features some of the passionate planners, advocates, and city leaders leading these efforts. Hear from members of our … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Economic development Technical assistance

How to avoid displacement and four other lessons from our 15 Community Connectors

Community Connectors is SGA’s program to help equip leaders in 15 small and mid-sized communities to repair the damage of divisive infrastructure. A few weeks ago, members from all 15 teams gathered in Washington DC to receive some extra technical assistance on two challenges that had emerged over the last 18 months of the program: … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Economic development Events Technical assistance

Request for proposals: Event photographer and videographer

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking an experienced professional or team of professionals to use photography and videography to capture an upcoming event on October 17-18 in Washington, DC and produce a short narrative video afterward. Please submit proposals to Elisa Ramirez (elisa.ramirez@t4america.org) by September 20. About Smart Growth America Smart Growth America (SGA) is … Continued

Events Technical assistance

Connecting community infrastructure projects through technical assistance and capacity building

This post was authored by Madlyn McAuliffe, communications manager for NUMO, with support from Justyn Huckleberry (NUMO) and Harriet Tregoning (NUMO). NUMO is a partner on Smart Growth America’s Community Connectors grant program. When you hear “infrastructure,” most people naturally think of the physical built environment — roads, bridges, buildings. There’s a lot less emphasis … Continued

Technical assistance Transportation

Community Connectors kickoff: Six key takeaways from our convening in Atlanta

Last month, more than 100 participants from the 15 communities selected to participate in the Community Connectors program convened in Atlanta to start building trust and relationships, plan out the scopes for the capacity-building grants they’re receiving from this 18-month program, and lay the groundwork for their ambitious projects to reconnect their communities. Joined by … Continued

Technical assistance

Announcing the inaugural Community Connectors program participants!

The Community Connectors program offers technical support and funding for communities working to repair the damage of divisive infrastructure in an effort to reconnect communities. The new Community Connectors program is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and conducted in partnership with Equitable Cities, the New Urban Mobility Alliance, and America Walks. Smart Growth … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Technical assistance Transportation