Hoosiers Begin Push for Complete Streets
More than 150 partners gathered on June 29th & 30th in Indianapolis to learn about the importance of Complete Streets and to organize a campaign to develop both state and local policies.
More than 150 partners gathered on June 29th & 30th in Indianapolis to learn about the importance of Complete Streets and to organize a campaign to develop both state and local policies.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) stepped up its commitment to complete streets yesterday with its adoption of a formal Complete Streets Policy. The new document fleshes out many details and sets a clear exceptions process.
For a few years now, EPA and the Smart Growth Network have been sponsoring a regular series of terrific lectures on smart growth and related issues here in Washington, D.C. at the National Building Museum. They’ve had well-known authors, innovators and special guests from all over the country come to talk about different aspects of … Continued
Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell signed Senate Bill 735, the Complete Streets bill, into law on Independence Day, making Connecticut the tenth state to pass complete streets legislation and the second to do so this year.
Smart Growth America State Policy Director Will Schroeer was on Fox Business this morning, discussing our 120-day report from Minneapolis.
As we close in on the 100-mark for state and local jurisdictions with adopted policies, the need for federal action becomes more acute. We appreciate the potentially profound impact of “comprehensive street design policies and principles” in the House bill and look forward to working with Chairman Oberstar in strengthening that provision.
The report we released yesterday analyzing the first 120 days of transportation stimulus spending — with the help and leadership of many state partner groups — has been getting some good media coverage from coast to coast. Here’s a roundup of coverage from the first full day of the report release. Articles that have quotes … Continued
Smart Growth America president Geoff Anderson was a guest on Fox Business this morning, discussing the our report analyzing the first 120 days of transportation stimulus spending. Click here to watch the video.
Download the full report (1mb pdf) Within the $787 billion stimulus bill that became law in February, Congress provided states and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) with $26.6 billion in flexible funds for transportation projects. Today marks 120 days from the apportionment of the funds to the states. The 120-day mark is significant because it is … Continued
Within the $787 billion stimulus bill that became law in February, Congress provided states and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) with $26.6 billion in flexible funds for transportation projects. The first half of the funding was to be committed within 120 days, by Monday, June 29th. Smart Growth America, in conjunction with state coalition partners, released … Continued