Policy in Philadelphia!

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter signed a Complete Streets executive order yesterday, June 4, at noon, establishing Philadelphia as the first city in Pennsylvania to adopt a complete streets policy. It emphasizes the many benefits of complete streets, from cleaner air to more efficient use of road space, and pays special attention to the safety of its most vulnerable citizens: children, older adults, and those with disabilities.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets: Integrating Safety and Livability into the Next Transportation Bill

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute and Transportation for America invite you to a briefing to discuss how the next transportation authorization bill can help create complete, safer streets and more livable communities. The briefing, which is free and open to all, takes place on Friday, June 4 from 10-11:30 in B318 Rayburn House Office Building.

Complete Streets

Doctors prescribe smarter growth

Pediatricians should help work against conventional suburban development (top) and for traditional neighborhoods (lower). Why? For starters, so kids can walk to school again. AAP’s Policy Statement includes this drawing by Duany, Plater-Zyberk. A version of the drawing is available at http://www.dpz.com/research.aspx, Diagram #25. Yesterday, the American Academy of Pediatrics adopted a ground-breaking policy statement … Continued

Complete Streets

Planning Complete Streets for the Aging of America

A new report from AARP’s Public Policy Institute, “Planning Complete Streets for the Aging of America,” is packed with new information and calls for adoption of Complete Streets policies to address the needs of the estimated 64 million Americans who will be over 65 in 2025. Many transportation planners and engineers have not begun to prepare for the coming increase in Americans over 65 years old.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets in Delaware!

At the first Delaware Bike Summit last Friday, March 24, Governor Jack Markell signed a Complete Streets Executive Order. The Delaware DOT now will be required, whenever possible, to incorporate all transportation modes into road design and maintenance. “We can agree, certainly, that bicycles are inexpensive and environmentally friendly, but there’s also no escaping the … Continued

Complete Streets

Secretary of Transportation LaHood Says the Magic Words

In his official Earth Day blog post, Secretary Ray LaHood focuses on bicycling and talks about the opportunity to use ‘highway’ funds for creating complete streets! He continues, “the upcoming reauthorization of DOT’s surface transportation programs provides an opportunity for us to feature bicycling as part of a new American mobility within livable communities.” Be … Continued

Complete Streets

We can put thousands back to work quickly and responsibly with smart transportation spending

Investing first in repair and maintenance can prevent another disaster like Minnesota’s I-35W bridge collapse. Tell your Governor to invest in the future with smart, proven, ready-to-go transportation spending. Creative Commons Flickr photo by Poppyseed Bandits. Earlier this week, we highlighted a new Smart Growth America report that details 20 proven and ready-to-go ways for … Continued

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