Power of Place: Reimagining Vermont’s State Designation Programs

Smart Growth America is working with a team of practitioners and leaders with deep knowledge of state and local land use policy to reform Vermont’s state designation programs that guide development and state investment priorities for revitalization. This project offers an exciting opportunity to support livable, walkable, thriving communities with a range of attainable housing … Continued

Land Use and Development Technical assistance

A river runs through it: SGA visits Soldotna for Complete Streets Leadership Academy

  Recently, members of the SGA team visited Soldotna, Alaska, where we met with the fourth cohort of the Complete Streets Leadership Academies. At the convening, we brought together teams from Soldotna and the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to discuss strategies to make Soldotna’s streets safer and provide more opportunities to walk … Continued

Complete Streets

Takeaways from the Best Complete Streets Policies 2023 Webinar

Last month, Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition hosted the Best Complete Streets Policies 2023 Webinar. We heard directly from four advocates and practitioners who helped pass some of the strongest Complete Streets policies of the past four years in communities across the country. Read on for the final takeaways from our … Continued

Complete Streets

Building consensus: Congress takes on zoning

On April 28, 2023, SGA attended the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs in their hearing, “Building Consensus to Address Housing Challenges.” At the hearing, senators recognized the housing crisis and the need to address it, and witnesses testified to various approaches to solving housing problems and delivering more much-needed housing affordable to … Continued

Land Use and Development

Tucson: Complete Streets is about more than pavement

Starting in the early 2010s, Tucson’s Living Streets Alliance organized to change the city’s uncomfortable, unsafe streets. After successfully advocating for pedestrian safety and walkability projects to be included in a county-wide bond package, the organization used their newfound momentum to pursue a Complete Streets policy.

Complete Streets Transportation

The state of Complete Streets policies, and the need for more progress

Adopting a Complete Streets policy is a crucial first step to reducing traffic violence, improving health equity, responding to the climate crisis, and rectifying a long history of inequitable transportation practices. The new 2023 Best Complete Streets Policy report spotlights the communities that have taken that first step and outlines how they made it happen.

Complete Streets Transportation

Joplin, MO: The key to getting a Complete Streets policy passed? People

The mid-sized city of Joplin is one of nine cities in Missouri to pass a top ranking Complete Streets policy in this report. To get there, a committee of city staff relied on support from every level—from a diverse set of local advocates, to statewide Complete Streets champions, to national technical assistance programs.

Complete Streets Transportation

Howard County (MD): A collaborative effort to create Complete Streets

Howard County, Maryland carved out an identity of its own as it developed from a once largely rural county to a locus of suburban and urban growth between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD. A groundswell of local advocacy for safer streets, paired with philanthropic support and county leadership, resulted in one of the strongest Complete Streets policies the Coalition has seen.

Complete Streets Transportation