New resource: U.S. Climate and Land Use Planning Guide

Smart Growth America is excited to announce the release of a new U.S. Climate Alliance resource to help states and territories advance climate mitigation and resilience goals through their land use policies. Climate and Land Use Planning: A Policy Guide for U.S. States and Territories, produced with support from Smart Growth America and Climate Resilience … Continued

Climate Change Land Use and Development Uncategorized Zoning

How historic land use policies lead to flooding disasters in communities of color

Discriminatory land use policies, like urban renewal, restrictive lending, Euclidean zoning, and redlining, sabotaged wealth-building in Black and Brown communities, entrenched racial segregation, and institutionalized disinvestment in communities of color across the U.S. These inequities leave many Americans more vulnerable to the effects of climate change, meaning that increased flooding disproportionately impacts communities of color … Continued


Introducing new SGA Board Members

We’re excited to welcome two new members, Elise Jones and Alison Goebel, to the Smart Growth America Board! Their expertise and experience in government, advocacy, and leadership in nonprofit spaces will help contribute to our efforts to create more livable, equitable places. Learn more about Elise and Alison! Alison Goebel is Executive Director of the … Continued


Request for proposals: Video/creative consulting services for short feature on flooding

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking an experienced videographer for consultant services for its Climate and Land Use Technical Assistance program. Such services will help SGA and its community-based partners produce two short videos to raise awareness of the risks associated with tropical storms, flooding, sea level rise, and erosion in Fort Pierce, Florida. SGA … Continued


NEW VIDEO: Creating Thriving Communities Through Complete Streets: Wenatchee’s Story

Made in collaboration with the Washington State Department of Health, our new video tells the story of Wenatchee, Washington—a community that came together to make their streets safer. Watch to hear from community members about how a temporary installation has made a permanent change to their approach to safety and accessibility.


A decade into the movement, Complete Streets needed a complete overhaul

One of the questions we are routinely asked is, “what exactly goes into an effective and strong Complete Streets policy?” So, we’re walking through the 10 elements within every strong Complete Streets policy, leading up to the long-awaited release of a brand new edition of The Best Complete Streets Policies report which scores all policies across the country.
