Help Dan save traffic.

Dan loves traffic. “It’s about the journey, and this way, the journey takes forever,” he says. “In 2009, Congress will decide whether to continue to spend billions on highways and roads to generate more traffic. Or whether they’re going more money on trains and buses — that suck the lifebblood right out of traffic. Help … Continued


Who will cast a vision for our "metro nation?"

“Despite occupying just 12 percent of U.S. land mass, the nation’s 100 largest metro areas account for 65 percent of its people and 75 percent of its economic output. They hold the keys to America’s future prosperity…” As a nation where economic success or failure hinges firmly on the backs of our largest metropolitan areas, … Continued


The Bush budget proposal: Leadership deferred

Last month, President Bush proposed a federal budget that cuts funding for a number of critical programs that help revitalize communities, provide transportation and affordable housing choices, and protect the environment. (Note: Our budget analysis can be found here) Perhaps most shocking is the Bush administration’s budget proposal to transfer an estimated $3.2 billion from … Continued


Urban freeways continued: Seattle

The Alaskan Way Viaduct is a three story barrier, separating Seattle from its historic waterfront. Continuing the thread started yesterday on urban freeways and the CNU Teardown Survey, we have a guest blogger today. Cary Moon is the co-founder and director of the People’s Waterfront Coalition, which is a grassroots group that formed a few … Continued

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